Of course AOG is referring to immigration / multicuturalism from Asian countries (India, Pakistan) and "black" countries such as Africa or Jamaica.
For most of our history we have had immigration / invasion from countries nearby (Italy, France, Germany, Scandinavia) from the Celts, Romans, Vikings, Algels, Saxons.
While these people were not exactly the same as those already in Britain, they had many similarities. They were "white" and had a European background.
After a period of Pagan religion most adopted a Christian based religion.
So as these various peoples began to live here, and marry the people already in the UK, then we got a group of people who were mostly white, mostly European and most Christian.
But in the last say 50 years we have had a HUGE influx of people who DONT mix easily with us.
They are NOT white, don't have European values, and are not Christians (or at least from a Christian background).
This is a major problem as some of these people are "happy" to accept FGM (female Genital mutilation), Honour Killings and so on.
And as many have problems fitting in to society, and getting a job, they turn to crime, often drug dealing and so on. This leads to stabbings and shootings as we have seen recently.
Yesterday was the end of Eid and in Birmingham 140,000 people came to "celebrate" it.
This shows the huge level of immigration we have in this country and a huge number of people who are NOT of our traditional background.
To me this is huge problem.
I am retired and get the chance to see the news on TV and on the internet perhaps more than most and I am staggered at the amount of crime reported on these news media involving "immigrants" (I use the term loosely to describe those who have just come here, or those who are children of immigrants).
The amount of crime reported by these "ethnic" groups is far higher than the percentage of them in the country.
Plus of course they are breeding at a far greater rate than the "white" population so their percentage is growing.
I fear for the future of this country and it saddens me to see how this country had been dragged down to third world levels in the last 30 or 40 years.