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A Fairer Society?

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Theland | 23:33 Fri 12th Oct 2018 | Society & Culture
63 Answers
Given the unfairness in our society, (food banks, universal credit problems etc), what would you have our politicians do to urgently bring about a fairer society?


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What is unfair about food banks and universal credit? Without them some people would be in far direr straits than they are at present.
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Jack, you are all heart.

Food Banks and Universal Credit help a lot of people out, what's unfair about that?
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Wouldn't it be better if people could afford food, heating, rent?
Can't believe this!
The roll out of UC has been badly handled and that should never have happened.

I'd like to see, let's call them...

Life lessons in schools.

Learning to budget and plan, make do until you can afford new and how to cook from scratch, amongst other vital skills.

Food banks and other Charities are doing a marvellous job, always have ad always will because we need them.
I'd like to see, let's call them...

Life lessons in schools.

Learning to budget and plan, make do until you can afford new and how to cook from scratch, amongst other vital skills

Like that when I was at school, Mamya. All different these days though.
I was taught to cook at school, but not really nutritious things - we made pineapple upside down cake and fruit salad I recall.

Obviously a lot should be done at home, we cannot farm out teaching our children how to live well and withing their means to someone else really.
Forgive typos, just done eye drops - night all x
G'night Mamya. Sleep well x.

Excellent response Mamya.
I do realise there are people who can't work for various reasons, and I suspect there are probably more who won't work, they are both being supported by us, the taxpayers, nice life if you can get it.
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How to budget and cook cheap meals and for this to be taught in schools is desirable, but the poverty stricken are being ground down in the most appalling and callous manner. Food banks should not have to exist.
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Baldric - The shirkers are always highlighted, and an excuse to clamp down on everybody. But they are a tiny minority.
I think your definition of fair depends entirely on which perspective you are looking from. Is it really fair that someone who doesn't work can afford the things that people who do work do?
I don't see what's unfair?

/// Food banks should not have to exist ///

Agreed, but they do and they are well used, do you want to take them away?
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How would you feel if you had to use food banks? Can't afford food, rent, heating?
-- answer removed --
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People who have lost their jobs, are disabled or elderly should all be supported with dignity, and free from the worry of rent arrears, hunger, cold.
The very few who abuse the system should not be used as an excuse to plunge the rest into stressful misery.
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Ozzy yes. But they are very few. And there are strategies to deal with them.
Sounds like you’re talking about communism

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