I never considered myself a far right fascist.
But now the values I hold dear put me into this despicable category.
Vetuste - Hope you are ok after your recent sadness.
I don't want to live in an area populated by hundreds of nightshirt clad Muslim men, and letterbox women.
I am British and I should not be denied what I consider to be my right to live amongst my own kind.
Because derogatory terms for dissenters suit the liberal left with whom, in the interests of diversity and political correctness, you are expected to agree. It's the propaganda machine in action.
Being labelled far right is a stick to beat you into submission with.
Far right is Nazism and no one wants to be seen as that. Therefore to call ordinary people far right allows them to be demonised without justification and without addressing the real issue at hand.
Cassa, far right does not of necessity refer to Naziism. If you take the centre as being moderate then far right and far left just mean being far from that centre position.