To me it smells terrible and I try to avoid it and those who do it while they are smoking. I don't do it myself but I'm ok with others doing it, as it's their choice.
I had a massive and horrible stressful patch of things going on late last year and my partner smokes ridiculously heavily, so I started, I was drinking quite a bit too and then I had a word with myself and stopped dead and surprisingly didn't find it an issues at all, but then things are much nicer now, so obviously a stress reaction.
I watched my grandmother smoke herself to death as a young teen - emphysema and a leg vein thrombosis leading to amputation. I've never smoked a single cigarette in my life, nor had the slightest interest in doing so. That said, I've also never swum with sharks or juggled with chainsaws.
With regards to what other people do, there are worse things than smoking so I'm quite live and let live, but I wish Mr Cal would stop because he does smoke a lot and it worries me, if anything happened to him I'd be absolutely bereft, but he seems completely unable to stop.
My husband used to smoke, it caused massive rows between us, he would get regular chest infections in the Winter. It took time to wean himself off, but he did it, eventually.
My wife vapes in our lounge. It actually hurts my sinuses, yet she persists. I’ve taken to wearing a surgical mask when she vapes. I think the chemical components will eventually be found to be harmful to health. But better than cigarette smoking.
Me too Tilly, but you can't underestimate the addiction. I had a friend I used to talk to ( also a smoker) .. she would tell me to get off his back and let him get on with it. I suppose valuing is a start .. I think.
It doesn't even remotely bother me. If people want to smoke it is entirely up to them, they know the risks.
There was talk a year or two ago about Bristol banning smoking in public parks - I thought that was ridiculous. I just simply don't believe that somebody smoking in the open air has any effect on anybody else. I reckon I get more lungfuls of noxious crap walking up The Strand every morning than I ever would from somebody having a puff in a doorway.
They're net contributors to the NHS - people moan like stuck pigs about the "cash-strapped" NHS enough as it is. Take away the income from tobacco, and they'd have even more to moan about.
They're treated like pariahs as it is - time to give them a break (personally I dislike seeing fat bloaters chowing down on Greggs or McCrap much more than smokers - and the lardsters cost the NHS more than smokers).
Apparently, nicotine is as addictive as heroin. I choose not to live with an addict, my choice. My view is, if you want to smoke go ahead, but not with me.
Smoking was the cause of death for my mum and Fil. Both died of lung cancer.
Whilst growing up, I begged my mum to stop smoking many times.
It is a horrible, filthy habit not to mention expensive!!
Banning smoking in Bristol's parks was nothing to do with protecting people from second hand smoke. It was to help prevent normalising the habit to children of non-smoking families. The less children see people smoking the better.