I don't hate omnivores, mainly because I am one myself, but I do think we need to understand where our food comes from and how it reaches our plate.
Pretending the 'messy' bits of food production don't exist (or closing our eyes to them) whilst being happy to consume the output of these industries is hypocritical.
I've been there and can square what I saw with my conscience - how about you?
I eat meat at 2 out of 3 meals the othe meal is egg, as I said on the other thread I respect people’s right to be vegans but in return they should respect my rights to eat what I want
I think some people just have a fad of turning vegan to follow a trend, once the spotlight, and the attention fades away, so do they. You get very few that admit to starting, and then revert back, a bit like giving up dieting :)
I'm not in the slightest bit squeemish about how animals bred for our food end up on my plate - and yes, I've been to an abattoir. I like calves liver, veal and, on the rare times I've had it (although sadly not for quite a few years), fois gras, and yes, I was aware of la gavage.
No doubt vegans will think I'm worse than the devil herself, and if that makes them feel somehow feel all warm and fluffy in the incorrect belief that they are morally superior than me, I can happily live with that.
I prefer to get my meat from a quality local butchers rather than a supermarket. I think in doing this, i avoid the conveyor belt and battery farming. Either way, i only buy and only will ever buy UK meat (with an exception to Spanish Chorizo).