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Very Small Irk In The Grander Scheme Of Things.

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albaqwerty | 15:01 Wed 26th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Called in at a charity shop a few weeks ago, Tuesday, spoke to manager, (they'd been advertising for volunteers)
Filled out a form, had pleasant chat, she asked me to call in at 11AM on the Friday for a more formal chat and for her to give me the layout of what's what.
Turned up only to be told she doesn't work a Friday and she'd phone me if she wanted me.

She might be the manager of a Charity Shop but I do not like liars or time-wasters. (the charity was the Salvation Army - name and shame)


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Sounds like a lovely place to work.
I'd be pished.
I'd complain about her.
You would think that she would have phoned you to say that she wanted to change the appointment. Moron.

Is there any other Charity shops nearby? Maybe PDSA or something
Check that she wasn't actually volunteering her own time to bring in the sheaves or marching as to war.

Priorities can change.
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Lucky escape is what I call it. :-)

There's quite a few others, Wolfie, I'll try my luck with them.

What really galls me is she actually checked to see who would be there for her to ''interview'' me.
Their loss.
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who would be there to cover her at the till for her to etc etc etc.
That's a bit naughty.
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I reckon it's because I use sticks to help me walk, really can't be bothered taking it further as there's more to life than those who can't see pass the end of their nebs.

Anyhoo, small gripe but I feel better for it. That is one charity I will never recommend for anything at all.
Oxfam took me on - if they will do that they will take anyone.
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dunno if I dare inflict meself on them Wolf :-D

I've got another two to go see this Friday, legs permitting. Both of them seem more engaged than the SA :-)
I'd be angry too - considering you've handed in an application form with all your personal details and for what???
Very rude, albs, they don't deserve you... I hope you find some nice people to work with :-) xx
That was mean. I hope you go on to another charity shop that deserves you, Albs.
How rude, I'd take them to task on their behaviour, then volunteer somewhere else :(
Our local Salvation Army shop closed down some time ago.

I used to volunteer there, my experience was so much better than yours Alba. You should definitely look elsewhere, good luck.
I think you shake the dust from your shoes and go onto something else.

all I can say is that I am sorry you were treated like this alba
// What really galls me is she actually checked to see who would be there for her to ''interview'' me. //

erm that shows she wanted someone else to do it on Fri innit?

so that on Mon she turns up and around 4 pm someone says perhaps on their way out - foo der was someone asking for you Friday.
And she kinda says - you were meant to interview them
and the goer says, oo was I? hahahahaha!
and goes on going out
an she says - yeah I said - s/o is coming in on Fri can you assess her please
and the goer sort of calls after her: oo yeah you did ! hahahaha ! well I didnt !
I would like to think that it was a mistake on the part of the manager.

It's 'big business' now. We have targets, budgets and some other stuff I pay no heed to. We sell stuff online and we are trying to increase the number of items that we have listed. There are books on every subject imaginable.

I will take this opportunity to show you our stock I am off to bed now as I have to go out to get drugs tomorrow. Then I will go and do some work in the shop.

Good luck Alba - it'll be fun.
Try a smaller, local charity, Alba. The hospices always need people to help in all sorts of ways - and they do such a tremendous job.

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