Off theme, London had lots of interesting characters in the sixties. Does anyone else remember Prince Monolulu, who used to walk round with a headdress of ostrich feathers?
Now then Mibs, you know the context.
"The End Is Nigh," is a call to people to address their relationship with God in these end times.
Hopefully some will heed the warning.
As an aside, I would love to post some video links but our resident censor admonishes me for such behaviour.
But look up Dr James Tour, David Berlinski, and John Polkinghorne, all scientists of world renown.
Gerald Celente, economist of great repute, warns of an even bigger crash than 2008.
Another signal about the end is nigh.
He estimates just after 2020 the crash will come.
Hold on to your baubles baby.
Celente's predictions have been labelled //"pessimism porn" for their doom and the alleged eschatological thrill some people receive from imagining his predictions of the collapse of civil society in the wake of a global economic crisis//
mamyalynne. A 'Sandwich Man' (never a woman) didn't sell sandwiches, he was called that be cause he bore a sign on his front & one on his back, so he was effectively the filling in the sandwich.
Stanley Green carried his signs on a pole so he wasn't a sandwich man.
In my previous post I asserted that there were no sandwich women which I believe to be true; on giving it more thought, could the reason for this be anatomical?
There was a sandwich-board man in Scarborough on Friday. He was sitting-down having his lunch - a sandwich. His board read 'YOU WILL ALL DIE SOON'. Bit of a change, I suppose, we commented on it.