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Brexit.......what Now In Simple Terms

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pumpjack | 06:02 Thu 26th Sep 2019 | Society & Culture
62 Answers
its a whole bloody big mess
i try hard never to watch any news for ages now.

but in simple terms, what does all this *** mean for us all now



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Maybe he'll get a 'representative' to sign the letter, as signing it himself would be anathema to him.
Hope you're right TTT, I have my doubts.
TTT, if there's no deal and Parliament has not agreed to leave without a deal, why would we leave on 31.10.19?
because what you fail to grasp TCL is that no deal is the default, it does not have to be approved, once the clock runs down we are gone unless a) there is an extension or b) they cancel A50. The PM has said he won't ask for an extension, even if he does the EUSSR may not give it. If the PM breaks the law they have 11 days to prosecute etc, none of which stops the clock. No deal is becoming the favourite be old china.
think of nodeal like gravity TCL, you have to put something in the way to stop you hitting the deck.
Oi! He said 'end of' :-)
The words Brexit and simple are antonyms.
Parliament has to vote in favour of the UK leaving without a deal as per the European Union Withdrawal (No. 2) Act.
Posted to soon

...if the PM wants to leave with no deal.
no is doesn't - if nothing is done we leave. What do you think happens if they don't get an extension? think it through, there is no "limbo". You can only rule out the default by putting something in its way.
If we automatically leave on 31.10.19, why is there a requirement in that Act saying Parliament has to agree to no deal if there is no agreement?
show me were it says that? Even if it does what happens if they don't vote for it? on 1st Nov we leave as per act of parliament.
I don't think a default position (no deal) requires a vote.
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yes 1ozzy that is what has been happening, there is currently nothing in the way.
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Even if we exit on October 31st it is simply wrong to suggest that Brexit would then be "done and dusted". All that would happen is we would move into the next multi-year phase of working out what our relationship with the EU would be.

indeed jim, been saying that all along. The only way to get a deal is to leave with no deal.

"Parliament can say whatever it wants in a Bill. The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill could thus, for instance, be amended to provide that MPs must be given an opportunity to vote on any deal agreed between the UK and EU governments. It could even stipulate that the UK is not to exit the EU unless there is a deal that MPs consider acceptable. But such statutory provisions would amount to nothing more than the legislative equivalent of the instructions issued by King Canute to the incoming tide. For just as Canute could not control the laws of nature, so the UK Parliament’s sovereign capacity to make domestic law cannot be used to control the operation of EU law. The EU law in question is Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union. It provides that:

The [EU] Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period."
That would be post-Brexit. Brexit is done and dusted when we finally get around to leaving.

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