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Should I Go To The Theatre Tonight ?

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Gromit | 09:33 Sun 15th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I have a ticket for a show tonight.
The audience is 1200 (it’s sold out).
The ticket only cost £5.

Would you go, or stay at home ?


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I would go - although I'm not sure I'd want to see something that only costs £5 a ticket.
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(With restrictions in force about large gatherings concerning Coronavirus).

It seems irresponsible for the venue not to cancel the event.
I wouldn’t go - it’s a risk, health is more important :)

The chances of you picking up the virus are minimal.
If you do get it you’ll then be immune.
Do you can’t lose :-)
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I think you would if I told you what it is ;-)
At £5 its not about the money, but about weighing up the other issues.

Are you fit and well?
Does the theatre have plenty of hand washing facilities?

If so go before they are closed down and we cant get out! Wash you hands before you go to the seat, in the interval and afterwards. Dont touch your face and as few surfaces as possible.
Gromit, tell me - and I'll let you know.
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Two of my friends have already decided not to go, and my girlfriend reckons we shouldn’t go.
To date there are no restrictions in place on theatres or cinemas, neither of which will stop trading until they are forced to. They are not being irresponsible, just following governemnt guidelines. They will have no insurance to cover cancellations if they just decide to do it before instructed to.
Yes, because you won't get a chance to go again for months. The odds on being seated near someone carrying the virus are very low
I've been reading local statistics for the virus. In my Local Authority Area (LAA) 3 people have tested positive for the disease in the past three weeks. None of them has died and two have already recovered. My LAA is home to 330,000 people. Even if a hundred times as many people who have tested positive actually have contracted the virus but it hasn't been reported (and I imagine there are quite a few like that), that means only one in 1,100 people have it. I know that situation will worsen but a sense of proportion needs to be maintained and clearing the shelves of bog rolls does not do that.
I`d go (and take hand sanitiser).
Interested to read replies because we are due to travel to London in a couple of weeks to watch Pretty Woman..
Its likely the situation will have changed by then Prudie, on both travel and attending theatres, but currently the risks are still low.
I went to a birthday bash last night, probably got close to as many as I would in a theatre.
Are you elderly with serious health issues ?
If it's something you and your girlfriend desperately want to see, then I'd go
You're pretty dispensable on here, Gromit so go.

Only joking. I'd go. Were all either gonna die in the next 18 months or be plunged into world chaos anyway.
I’d definitely go, if it was something I wanted to see.
Depends on how you both are health wise.
We had tickets to a show last night £22 each, we didn't go.
Mr S has severe heart problems, bypass surgery, pace maker, defib.
I have an auto immune disease and take strong imuno suppressants, so we made the decision not to go, it felt safer.
Tickets weren't wasted, Son took his girl friend, they are both young, fit and healthy.
Question Author
I have decided to go on my own. Girlfriend and friends not going, but meeting them in the pub afterwards.


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