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Your Method Of Easing Lockdown

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naomi24 | 07:31 Wed 13th May 2020 | Society & Culture
261 Answers
Some people here seem to be in a permanent state of confusion over what I think are quite simple guidelines for the gradual easing of lockdown and for getting people back to work….so here’s their opportunity to shine. If you were in charge, how would you do it?


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Expanding on the OP slightly, I would be more adventurous. Since the A levels season is upon us (whether the exams are sat or not). Year 13 will not be in school/college now anyway. I would, therefore, certainly allow 6th form colleges to open, since they will only have the Year 12 students in college and "double" the space available to safe distance. Likewise...
12:13 Thu 14th May 2020
That's not fair, FF. I picked holes in one of your posts. Perhaps you missed it.
Those people wh want to give nurses a pay rise.....why just nurses?
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ff, If your contributions have been ignored perhaps they were of no interest to other contributors. Just a guess. This is a long thread and long threads have a tendency to stray into extended areas related to the OP - and sometimes further. If you're not happy with this thread, go and find one that suits you better. As for me posting as you see fit, got your whistle?
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Spicerack, //He's [Jim] lost 90% of his income but selflessly wants extended lockdown. //

I thought he said he's still being paid normally? Perhaps I've got that wrong.
Perhaps I got the wrong impression, Naomi. Sort of thing I do, lol.
Maybe Jim could clear up the confusion.
The people that say it, woof, think that nobody could possibly object.
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Another aspect that hasn’t been talked about much is the effect all this will have on those whose hospital appointments have been cancelled/delayed. I read that around 20,000 cancer patients could die as a result - almost as many as have died with Coronavirus - and that’s just cancer patients. What about the rest who are suffering serious illness and having treatment/investigations delayed? Someone said the cure could prove worse than the disease - and I think that could well prove to be true.
^^^that was me Naomi, but other people have said the same thing, and I believe it’s already being proven to be true.

There was a report out yesterday that suggested 25% of pubs will go out of business - I thing that under-egging it; independent pubs have a thin margin at the best of times, and even with the help the Government has provided to businesses, it is unsustainable for pubs to be shut until (as I’ve heard) the Autumn. Add into the mix lots of other small businesses, and the number of unemployed will swell, possibly/probably resulting in mortgages/rent going unpaid etc...
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Thanks Deskdiary. I knew I'd read it somewhere.
>That's not fair, FF. I picked holes in one of your posts. Perhaps you missed it.
I've no idea what you're referring to Spicerack, but I was referring to this thread and I can't see anything from you about my posts- the nearest is where your only comment was simply "Snort" to something Jim said about one of my points. If "Snort" constitutes "picking holes" then that's a strange debating skill you have
Naomi, re your post at 10:48, wouldn’t there be more coronavirus patients in hospital without lockdown, and therefore more delays for other treatments?
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Not if they used the empty Nightingale wards for Coronavirus victims, leaving hospitals free to return to normal.
I see, Naomi. Your post seems to imply that you think the lockdown measures would be the cause of those deaths, not the fact that we could make better use of the temporary hospitals.
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//Your post seems to imply that you think the lockdown measures would be the cause of those deaths, //

Really? How so?
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Ohhh! I see what you mean. Well, if hospitals aren't treating other patients - which unless they're urgent cases, they're not - lockdown measures would be the cause of those deaths.
But that goes back to my question. Without lockdown they would presumably be treating even fewer other cases, so lockdown would be saving lives.
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//Without lockdown they would presumably be treating even fewer other cases//

Well, the obvious answer, there would be more people with the virus, and therefore more demand on the NHS. That has been the major issue has it not?
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Yes, overburdening the NHS has been the major issue. However, if the NHS now utilise the empty Nightingale wards, which had it been necessary would have been staffed, hospitals could return to normal.

//Coronavirus crisis may lead to 20,000 more cancer deaths ....The study shows that on average attendance for chemotherapy has fallen by 60 per cent, with a 76 per cent drop in urgent referrals of suspected cancer.//

I said on another post, that I think your idea to use those hospitals in that way seems a good one, Naomi. However, it's your claim that 'lockdown measures would be the cause of those deaths.' that I don't follow. The numbers would be greater without lockdown.

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