Welcome to the big fight :-
'' Naomi is in the centre of the ring trying to land the killer blow!
Theland is dodging them, and dodging them, boy can this guy dodge!
Theland lands a few jabs but the blood is trickling down his chin.
Oooooh Naomi lands one on his jaw and he staggers, the legs are gone, he is on his knees, praying, but he is up again and flouncing around and dodging the blows.
Hes upset Naomi who gives him a right hook, he bounces off the ropes.
What is this! People are climbing into the ring and punching Theland. She requires no help but they are battering him now, setting fire to him and beating him with wooden crosses.
He staggers back to his corner for holy water, but Naomi lands a slap around the back of his head, and the referee/moderator jumps in too, ta!ing the gun off Theland and sending him back to his corner.
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