Do We Or I Believe In The Bible And What It Says ???? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Do We Or I Believe In The Bible And What It Says ????

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locusts | 08:31 Sat 24th Apr 2021 | Society & Culture
104 Answers
Do we or I believe in the Bible and what it says ????

The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. 1 John 5:19.

We know that we originate with God
Even if you don't believe in the Bible you must believe in something and as you look around the world today and see the mess we are in ? as you listen to the news from your radio or watch the TV we see the world is in such a mess because people cannot agree ?? and it is causing mental problems and we see that people are committing suicide because they don't know which way to turn ??? .. And we can see the Western world powers , disagreements between Russia and China causing civil wars between the countries which they want to dominate / almost causes Wars?? and now we see the pandemic keep reappearing with new viruses and we just get out of 1 lock down and we fall back into another, this is all apart of the prophecies with the Bible talks about?
what do you think,??????
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Could I as a genuine question please, when did fervent become a noun?
Mamya - // Could I as a genuine question please, when did fervent become a noun? //

When i decided to use it as an all-encompassing instantly identifiable term to describe the small but seriously vocal cabal of extreme Christians who populate our wonderful site with their enldess questions to which they either don't actually want answers, or they think they know the answers and simply want to preach them to other pepople.

I could give you the names, but if you are a regular, you will already know who they are.
That explains it.

Mamya - // That explains it.

Thanks. //

You are most welcome.
I am proud to be referred to as a Fervent, as anything less than a complete passion for God is a betrayal of faith, rather no faith at all.
Theland - // I am proud to be referred to as a Fervent, as anything less than a complete passion for God is a betrayal of faith, rather no faith at all. //

Therin lies the difference - I am not remotely proud to be referred to as an atheist, I honestly could not be less bothered if I tried.
From AH to Khandro, //You're not even clear about what your religious view is.//

That's because he doesn't know. Not so long ago he claimed to be Buddhist.
That's fine Theland , although it doesn't read as a compliment.

Andy had told us countless times very vociferously how very unbothered he is.
Mamya - that's because it's not. Only someone with a superior opinion of just how much above everyone they think they are, with their lofty view of their faith letting them look down on every other believer, would think it was.
//I am proud ... //

And pride is a sin. Still, never mind - although self-praise is no recommendation carry on polishing your halo, Theland.
Mamya - Yes I know. Andy is not bothered.
Even less bothered than that!
Increasing the volume a bit - NOT BOTHERED.
Neon signs on order, Andy not bothered.

''Excuse me Sir, did you know Andy is not bothered?''

''Ah yes I heard that on the news earlier, bit of a headline, Andy Not Bothered. Bit I'm not bothered that Andy is not bothered.''

''Questions will be asked in the House, Why Is Andy Not Bothered?''

The Prime Minister will make a statement!
Ha Ha!
Scraping the barrel?
Polishing halos?
I'll get you one of mine T, they're galvanised.
Thank you Mamya, X
You still in sick bay or have they let you home?

Apologies locusts.
Question Author
Naomi24 / 15:56 Tue 27th Apr 2021 and secondly why do you think God did that? It doesn’t seem very sensible.
C/P Hence,the definition of the Hebrew word, RA, as calamity or disaster is more likely the correct translation of Isaiah 45:7.
So God did not originally create sin, evil, etc
He originally created a perfect world, perfect universe, perfect angels, and perfect man (Adam and Eve).
But, due to free will being allowed by God,
the perfect Angel (Lucifer) sinned (and became the Devil who in turn enticed a third of God’s angels to also refuse to obey God and to do evil things a with the Devil, their leader)
and the perfect Man (Adam and Eve) sinned and thereby brought sin, death, illness, cancer, murder, and all kids of evil into mankind and into all of God’s created things (earth, animals, birds, planets, etc)
So, God today (in this ‘post fall’ world) does allow, bring about, or cause calamities and disasters (think floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, etc) .
But this was NOT God’s original plan.
His original plan was for there to be no evil but only good.
One day God’s original plan will be restored (Read the Book of Revelation to find out ).
But for now, there are calamities, disasters, and all kinds of ‘bad things’ happening.
Some of these ‘bad things’ are caused by God.  Others are allowed by God.
But all of them are intended to ‘get our attention’ and to cause us to turn from our wicked ways and to turn back to God and let Him be our God, Saviour, Lord, and Master.
I've been home since Friday. I owe my life to the paramedics and the emergency doctors in the NHS.
I thought my number was up.
I faced it with some trepidation, the fear of the unknown, but not a terrifying feeling, as the backdrop was the comfort that God provides, ''safe in His hands.''
Glad you're home x
Locusts - I too apologise for the digression on your thread.
I am sure that God will bring all believers home safely into His fold, even though we are taking rather diverse routes towards His truth.
Best wishes.
Locusts, God has no get out clauses. If you claim that he created everything from nothing, then you need to acknowledge that without him nothing - including evil - would exist. Anything less is disingenuous.

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