Suffolk isn't a particularly small county. (It's around a 2-hour drive to get from Lowestoft to Haverhill, for example). However we've only had three police stations that are open to the public here for well over a decade (and probably closer to two now). They're in Lowestoft, Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich and are open 'office hours only'. (0900 to 1700, Monday to Saturday).
The one in Ipswich (which is the county town) is little more than a 'front desk', staffed by civilians, where people can hand in any paperwork that might be required by the police and make general enquiries. People required by the courts to periodically report to a police station can also check in there. I believe that there are also one or two interview rooms there, with recording facilities for taking witness statements, as well as the building being a base for the PCSOs and council street wardens who patrol the town's streets, but that's about the full extent of what's there.
There are no police officers based there who can, for example, accept reports from people who think that they've been the victims of fraud. (I know that from a woman who tried to do just that there. She was told to use the Action Fraud website instead). All of the investigatory staff are based either at a big 'offices only' site on one side of the town or at the County HQ on the other side of the town (which is where prisoners under arrest are taken). Neither of those two sites is open to the general public.