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It's All A Pathetic Showcase For The Me-Too Brigade.

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Canary42 | 03:34 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | Society & Culture
52 Answers
Respect? You're havin' a laugh!


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no response from our sour puss.
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i have often wondered what happens to her clothes, after she must have had an enormous wardrobe....
Some people’s motives may be suspect but millions have genuine affection and genuine respect for the queen so it’s rather mean-spirited to tar everyone with the same brush.
Naomi, just what i think. Why would you queue for so long for no reason.
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I have to say I don’t like seeing little children in that queue. I can’t imagine what their parents are thinking.
perhaps they can't get baby sitters, i confess that it must be hard going for little ones.
One little girl said last night that she was tired - and she still had the whole of the cold night and more to get through. If her parents had any sense they’d have been on the next train home. It’s no place for little ones.
perhaps you are right,
After all this we might discover canary is talking about something else entirely! :o)
They are thinking that in the year 2100 they'd like their children to be able to say (ideally on the BBC) that they queued to see Queen Elizabeth, whose first Prime Minister was Winston Churchill who was born in 1874, lying in state at Westminster. Or something like that ...
Doubtless, ellipsis ….
Naomi, thinking on it - he means the queues to see Her Majesty's coffin,
I think that’s what he means, emmie, but he did reference ‘the me too brigade’ so who knows?
perhaps he's tired and emotional.........
For some people, it'll just be another tick on their b ucket list.
for most it won't be, i wouldn't use that as an excuse to queue for so many hours just so i can say i have done it. The word that most come out with is respect, and i can understand that. If you or canary can't understand that then i feel somewhat sorry.
There's a clear difference between the Metoo movement and the me too brigade, the latter being those people who must do/have /say what everybody else of their mindset is up to,

The movement doesn't own the words and I can't believe that some are so thick as to not realise that or know what Canary is referencing therefore have to conclude that they are in their own little group, pretending not to understand, for reasons best known to themselves.
Aw! :o)

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