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Asylum Seekers And Trump.

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Atheist | 19:53 Thu 10th Nov 2022 | Society & Culture
22 Answers
If people cross the channel to seek asylum they are often referred to as 'illegal' before their applications are processed.
If Trump has been recorded bragging about shooting people dead in the middle of the main road and still getting votes, and inciting revolt against the US govt, and asking a governor to find him some votes, he is often referred to as innocent until proved guilty.


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"...he is often referred to as innocent until proved guilty."

Not by the sane and balanced.
He's deranged.
As for 'illegals' why would they need to seek asylum from France?
Trump just shot a stranger!
- Nope. Fake MSM news.

He's admitted it!
- Well he must have had a good reason.

Here's a recording of him saying he did it for no reason!
- Well, I bet that stranger deserved it anyway, even if the Donald didn't know it at the time.

Oh no, He's just shot someone else! He needs to be stopped!
- Oh please stop it with this orange man bad nonsense. It's all just a witch hunt.

It usually goes something like that.
//If people cross the channel to seek asylum they are often referred to as 'illegal' before their applications are processed. //

That's because they are. There can be no question that they've entered this country illegally. That doesn't need to be tested in a court of law.
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Naomi; I thought that people were treated as asylum seekers and then their request was considered. I seem to remember jno posting about this. Can you point me to the proper legal position?
They might be treated as asylum seekers but they are still illegals because they are entering the country by non legal methods.
It'll take a better person than I to argue against Trump being a deranged lunatic, but I think his reference to shooting someone dead wasn't to be taken literally. It just meant that he believes that he could do literally anything and his equally deranged supporters will still vote for him.

As for "illegals" , it's just a term for anybody who has entered the country without the correct documentation. It doesn't necessarily mean that they will be immediately deported and that they should be poked with sticks. It just means that they have bypassed the correct system.
Technically there's no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker. Anyone can pitch up and say they want asylum, and you have to process the request during which time they have a right to be here.

They only become illegal if asylum isn't granted but they hang around anyway, in which case they become illegal immigrants.
I am not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure there is no such thing in International Law as an "illegal asylum seeker". Someone tell Suela Braverman
Utter nonsense thread.
I think we all get what Trump meant by the way Mozz, but I wouldn't completely rule out the scenario above actually happening.
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Unfortunately, there are ABers who like to be law-makers, judges and juries, and who know what they know regardless of what the law says. Fortunately, they are not currently in charge of things.
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Thanks, Roy; you have put us all in our place! :-)
I would've thought so too Tomus, but as the OP seems to be trying to misconstrue the quote, I thought it was.worth reiterating.
"I think we all get what Trump meant by the way Mozz, but I wouldn't completely rule out the scenario above actually happening."

Aye, like pussygate, all just chat.

If people cross the channel to seek asylum they are often referred to as 'illegal' before their applications are processed.

What do we call the ones that cross the channel and disappear without even trying to claim asylum?
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You can say what you like, as long as you claim it was just banter and not mean to be taken seriously?
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Roy, I think it would probably be called illegal. As it would be if they crossed the channel and murdered someone. Or if you broke the law. We do need to respect the law as it stands, not as we would like it to be.
//Anyone can pitch up and say they want asylum, and you have to process the request during which time they have a right to be here.//

//I am not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure there is no such thing in International Law as an "illegal asylum seeker".//

Why, then, does Article 31 of the UN Convention on the treatment of refugees, allow for penalties to be imposed on refugees ..."on account of their illegal entry or presence..." unless they have come "...directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened"?

These are the words of the UN's own Convention (which they seem to have unilaterally declared void). It mentions "illegal entry or presence" so why do you say there is no such thing as an "illegal asylum seeker"? What authority are you using for that?
NJ, their entry is illegal but that does not mean that their seeking asylum is automatically illegal, does it?

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