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Capital Punishment

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Canary42 | 20:08 Tue 22nd Nov 2022 | News
40 Answers
I am generally opposed to Capital Punishment since it authenticates the taking of life. But my convictions are sometimes sorely tried, as in the case of the unspeakable *** who set fire to these three lovely people's house, killing all three.

Should we reintroduce it for particularly heinous murders ?



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No ( seconded )
Yes, but with absolute, irrefutable proof.
How can a law be passed saying no one has the right to end someone's life, but then allow a judge to do exactly that.
No. We should not lower ourselves to the level of the worst of society.
The knee-jerk reactioner in me says yes, but then, no. Life should mean life and solitary confinement.

RIP those poor little mites and their mother.
From a financial perspective off with their useless heads.
No, but let's make them work for a living. Bring back prison work gangs. Prison needs to be a punishment.
no. There's no such thing as absolute proof.

Dr Crippen would be alive today, so to speak, if modern science had been around. But at the time they thought they had absolute proof.
of course - but MPs won't
at times yes i think they should. But in reality it won't happen, not ever.
The main thrust of those opposed to capital punishment seems to be "Let's do something worse to them!".
what's worse than a death penalty....
30+ years of solitary or slavery?
i don't agree... the death penalty is final, no coming back from it.
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perhaps not 1ozzy...
I would like it reintroduced, with caveats. But as I have said before if Life actually meant Life then I could accept that. The problem is it has now been reduced to pitiful sentences.
yes it has been reduced to a pitiful sentence, a person's life means nothing now.

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