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Mensa - Lets Get It Straight......

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ToraToraTora | 09:51 Fri 30th Dec 2022 | Society & Culture
111 Answers
On this thread people who would never get into Mensa seem to claim they could but didn't because it has annual subs:
Mensa is a club the subs are not just for "bragging rights" you can be as involved as little or as much as you want. We have SIGs gatherings, Mensans are like masons we can look each other up in foreign countries, different towns. Often get free accommodation. There are social events every month all over the world, there are 50+ in my region alone in January. Many of you are in other clubs that pay subs you may have similar benefits or just are happy with what your club does. I get tired of people who could not get in if they tried, posting bile about what is basically just another club. PS the monthly magazine alone is worth the subs.


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What I mean is one is a total psycho but the other is only a psycho when he's with the other one. On his own he's fine.
I did a MENSA test in 2008.

I didn't get in but they did kindly suggest I join a website named Answerbank.
11.30. Hahaaaaa where no one can see you google the answer. Love it!
Lots of people do those little mensa tests in papers & mag. (or online)
Then send off for the free 'mensa test' you have to do at home unsupervised - but must promise you won't cheat! - (nowadays 'timed' online)
This test invariably tells them they're in the top something percent of the country! Wowee!
... to entice them to pay & take the proper test.
They are a business after all & need to make money.

This is where many stop, they don't want to pay.
The test they did was basically an easy unsupervised test being sent to people as a marketing ploy.

That was enough for many people to believe they were geniuses - so there's lots of people who are really quite dim believing they're in the top 1% of the population, because they believe they've taken an official mensa test.
A bit like Readers Digest but with a badge of brightness.
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I did a paid, supervised test in about 1990 - no reason just did.

during the break a girl started moaning saying - "if they just gave you more time, I'd be ok, I'm great when I can just do them in my own time"
Most people stifled a smirk or a baffled look & went back inside.
Joko @ 08,40 ..You are spot on there Joko ...
......."Densa into Mensa" if you pay a membership fee to join the Club. haha. It's unbelievable that some people fall for it . Do they get a badge to wear to impress their friends.??
Local mensans met in a pub I used to go to.... Don't think a single one of the men could have pulled a muscle, let alone a woman, you could overhear them with their ideas of how to sort out a or y, or the amazing puzzles they had solved, or quiz they were entering. Pub had regular quizzes, They lost.
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Failed the Mensa tests twice. I'm thicker than I thought i was
fiveleaves; Is there a fail score for an IQ test? Do you have to achieve a certain IQ score (e.g. 140 or 150?) to qualify for membership?
Yes, you do but I can't remember what it was
Thanks, Canary. I take it you failed; or did your memory decline after you became a member? :-)
I passed, but my memory has declined because I can't even remember my score.
Sidetracking slightly; anyone here a confrere of mine in the RAOB? (And if so, what does the acronym signify?)
Sorry, cannery; but do I know you?
Ooops! I just spotted your post. Jolly Good! Perhaps we met in Le Touquet in 47?
I say, Canners, do you remember that bounder who was always bragging about his membership of the... erm... whatnot outfit? Can't bring it to mind just now. Oh well. Cellar vee!
Atheist, if RAOB was something to do with Buffalos Waterboatman was a member of that , or something like that.

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