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ToraToraTora | 13:54 Thu 18th Apr 2024 | Society & Culture
26 Answers

Just walking back from lunch today and I noticed these have been plastered all over the place. I don't understand the message, are they sayhing that even if they think someone is guilty they should acquit if they think the person right in what they did?



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Note the warning....

It will not go well for the freedoms of future generations.  

lol. This is your freedom - the age-old right of the honest, free-thinking Englishman to ignore orders from the corrupt, out-of-touch, left-wing judges and deliver a true verdict.

I'm not sure why anyone would want to deprive future generations of it; but maybe the AB hivemind has changed direction.

i drop in and out of the site, maybe once a week and this lady does not seem to have gotten very far in the last few weeks.

oops wrong thread sorry

she's taking a stand, not taking a run

the judge has quite rightly thrown the case out

In his ruling, the judge said there was a well-established principle in law of jury equity; this was a de facto power to acquit a defendant regardless of directions from the judge. He said the principle in law had been tested in the highest courts in England and Wales, and existed in other countries such as Canada, New Zealand and the US.

Englishmen everywhere, your ancient rights have been protected. Isn't that wonderful!

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