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The Least Worst Option.

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sandyRoe | 12:14 Mon 24th Jun 2024 | Society & Culture
61 Answers

Will anyone be voting on July 4th for the best of a bad lot rather than someone they actually support?



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Presumably the Cons under Sunak are TINO so they aren't incompetent and corrupt?


why is it only the jim callaghan government of 76-79 that counts as "real labour"? why not the attlee one? why does the ted heath government from 1970-74 not count as "real tory"? 

the answer is propaganda. tory liars have nothing else and so they harp on about events from 50 years ago. utterly desperate. nobody is fooled. 

untitled: //"why is it only the jim callaghan government of 76-79 that counts as "real labour"? why not the attlee one? why does the ted heath government from 1970-74 not count as "real tory"? // - never said that, all the 24 years of labour governements were real ones until 1979. Look at my past posts and you'll see I am a fan of the Atlee government. He is in my list of top PMs. Ted Heath was a wet Tory more concerned with surrendering to the EUSSR than being a proper Tory. The last real Labour government get singled out because the state of country was so bad it's been nearly half a century before the public feel they can elect them again and that is because most of the electorate have no knowledge of how bad it really was.

except there was a labour government between 1997-2010 which was further to the left than starmer's labour is. don't think there's much mileage in banging on about 1979.

17:35, you're having a Turkish! He was more right wing than Major's tories that's for sure. Gawd the first thing Blair did was invite TGL round for a tete a tete!

When asked what her greatest achievement was TGL said "Tony Blair" ! Perlease !🤣

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She must have been deep in the quagmire of dementia when she said that.

2002, she was pretty solid then. Don't you see what she meant?

I can't bring myself to vote for any of them but still undecided - options are probably:

Vote for an independent (not sure there is one here)

Don't vote

Spoil the ballot paper


5.35pm - what on earth are you talking about? You are completely wrong that TBs Govt was more left wing Starmer's will be. You couldn't be more wrong.

blair's government gave gay people the right to have civil partnerships and repealed clause 28 which the tories would never have done and fiercely opposed at the time. they also put in a great deal of effort into reducing homelessness and child poverty. by contrast keir starmer wants to effectively reinstate clause 28 for trans issues and to retain the 2-child benefit cap. they also introduced minimum wage which the tories hated. they also significantly reduced waiting lists in the NHS by targeted investment. they also got it into their heads that iraq could be compelled by force to become a liberal democracy on the absurd grounds that you can bomb places into becoming more free.

i am not interested in whether or not you agree with any of these actions (i really truly am not so please do not tell me) but they were left wing causes at the time and ones that the right opposed ferociously (except for iraq which was on false pretenses). i actually do not agree with the idea that TB's government was simply conservative in name only--i think starmer fits that description much more than tony blair ever did.

Nearly 24 hours to compose a response! That must be a record! Why did they not repeal TGL's anti union legislation?

because they agreed with it.

So a "Labour" government agrees with legislation against the people that funds their party. ....right oh! very Toryesque...hang on!

it strikes me once again that people who huff and puff about "the left" have absolutely zero understanding of what the left actually is. you really should try and learn because your ignorance makes you very easy to manipulate.

people think that left wing politics is about state controlling industries and unionism. there was a time when that was true because those were seen as the best means of reaching leftist goals. but that's all they were--means to an end. they aren't the be all and end-all of leftist politics.

they calculated accurately that they would continue to receive union funding anyway tora and chose to put their efforts elsewhere. it's not rocket science.

please note that i am not defending tony blair. i just disagree with the idea that he was a tory.

well he were'nt trad labour was he?

correct he wasn't. that is not the same thing as being on the right. 

As i said previously,this election is all about tactical voting,the only way to get rid of the hated Tories and the hated SNP is to hold your nose and vote for the candidate most likely to defeat these parties.Its not rocket science.

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