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Oh Did I Laugh.

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nicebloke1 | 13:18 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Politics
8 Answers

A journalist said the other night, " its pointless having PMQT for a least 2yrs. The opposition dont have enough bums to fill the seats. Plus what concerns / questions could they possibly put forward about anything where they themselves have created the problem or ignored it. Can you just see them asking SK what he's going to do regarding the state of the NHS.🤣🤣🤣



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//Plus what concerns / questions could they possibly put forward about anything where they themselves have created the problem or ignored it. //

Hasn't this always been the case when there's a change of government?

The MPs on the opposition benches represents the twothirds of voters who didn't vote for Labour and therefore represent the majority of voters.

Nicebloke hasn't thought this through - and neither did the anonymous journalist he quotes.

//Can you just see them asking SK what he's going to do regarding the state of the NHS.//

Yes, if after a reasonable settling in period there's no sign of things getting better

It's actually four-fifths of the electorate who didn't vote for Labour

I know but those who didn't vote can't complain or expect to be represented. 

Yes they can. Those who found no one worth encouraging have more to complain about than those who slavishly voted for their usual out of habit and stuck us with the government that results.

have you noticed? that is why he is a journo and not a leader or captain of industry

trivial and off the point - PMQs can be used to tell us what a paradise will be ours in a few years

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