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Ordinary People

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Khandro | 07:42 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
21 Answers

We've heard a lot from Starmer about Labour doing things for "ordinary people".

What are ordinary people, and are you one?



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Probably means Boomers.

He probably means for people like him - he is very ordinary.

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It has made me think, that as my immediate family comprises of seven people, I don't believe that any one of us could be honestly described, for better or worse, as being, 'ordinary'.

Ordinary people (hard working shurely) are from the same box as 'good causes'.

A pat on the head for the proles from the bosses.

See also our incredible NHS.

It's ordinary working people plus pensioners and those on benefits or recent arrivals to the shores.

I assume it excludes the monarchy, billionaires and Tory MPs....

So 99.9% of the population.



Politicians of all colours haven't got the slightest idea about "ordinary people".

They don't know what life is like for us, the great unwashed. They don't know what it means to hold down a job: pay a mortgage: raise a family; the school run; the weekly shop; care for vulnerable members of the family, where applicable. They haven't got a clue.

you do have some odd ideas 10CS...

At leat he's not saying silly things like, "We're all in this together."

Were they once known as the deserving poor? They work and yet still struggle to make ends meet.

Looks like you fall into that category, dave.

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Here's an 'ordinary person' running marathons while claiming invalidity benefits !!

That's extraordinary !

Everyone is ordinary but some are more ordinary than others. 😁

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OG //That's extraordinary !//

Well she is this week as she's been rumbled, but last week she was 'ordinary'.

10C, you may be unwashed but I am a very clean bean

Keir Starmer defined 'the working man' - presumably 'ordinary' - as someone who has no savings - and then changed his mind (there's a surprise!) and said 'the working man' can have savings.   Anyone who has to work to cover his living costs is 'the working man'.  Some earn more than others but then some make more effort than others.

So the working couple who can not only cover their living costs but can also afford to go abroad once or twice a year are not 'ordinary'?

Which one of us has ever met an ordinary person?

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I think Starmer holds a naïve view on what is an 'ordinary person';  an a priori concept,

Once in earlier times such a being was referred to as, 'The man on the Clapham omnibus', but 'The man on the Clapham omnibus' could be one of many extraordinary manifestations, from being a saint to being a murderer.

> What are ordinary people

You know ... people like JD Vance ...

> and are you one?

How very dare you?!


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