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Anyone Know About Equiedge?

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cassa333 | 14:01 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
5 Answers

I keep getting international calls from EquiEdge about my late husbands shares.

Something about 'extra' allocated shares. 

All his holdings have been sold so I am getting the impression they are a fishing firm like the PPI companies that trawl for things and take a fee for finding cash owed to you.

They sent an NDA before they will give me the information I've asked for, what are you doing, why, how and what outcome.

Are they a scam or legit?



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Never heard of them, but there again I know little of the financial world. 


Is this them ? they don't seem to have been around that long.

I have done a quick search and have read comments that they deal in bitcoin and offer to mine on your behalf, no doubt for a fee.  They are not registered with any financial body.

Their insistence on a NDA puts my hackles up.

I say SCAM!  


well they are here:

and they look like a collection of wide-boys

a nudda before you trade ? keep well away

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I hung up on her in the end. I'm hoping they got the message.

Thank you for your insights folks.


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