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Non Fasting Lipids

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nailedit | 16:14 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
14 Answers

Had blood test done a few weeks ago. Recieved text from GP saying appointment has been made to discuss results.

Rang the surgery to ask why (because presumably if there was nothing wrong they wouldnt make an appointment)

Apparently my "non fasting lipids" were abnormal and the doctor wants to see me.

Anyone know what thats all about?




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it is something to do with Cholesterol - but that is the sum total of my knowledge.

wolf's right - it is cholesterol

They give a good indication how likely you are to have coronary heart disease or a stroke...presumably yours are too high.

Don't let yourself worry unduly, nailedit. If your cholestrol levels are too high they will probably put you on a course of statins which will help lower your readings

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Thanks all for replies,

appreciate it.

Let us know how you get on nailedit

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//Let us know how you get on nailedit//

Apparebtly, exessive alcoholl levevels can cause this.

Just need get sober again.

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I give up////

When is your appointment?

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Tomorrow mornin  ellie but im constantly ***...

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not quitye with it...

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or somthing like thaat...

Awh, please try to keep that appointment nailedit, you need to hear what the doctor says and get started on the proper treatment x

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Non Fasting Lipids

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