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No More Elections In The Usa If Trump Is Elected As President In November

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Hymie | 23:28 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
24 Answers

Trump has already said that he will be a dictator on day one.


Last week he said at a rally:–

Get out and vote, just this time – you won’t have to do it anymore, four more years, you know what it’ll be fixed it’ll be fine – you won’t have to vote four years you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not gonna have to vote.’


Based on Trump’s own words, who could doubt that democracy will be dead in the USA if Trump gets elected?



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The man is a lunatic. However, I'm sure he didn't really mean that. Just a bit of satire, surely?  He's not a Putin. 😬 

Oh he means it! The man's insane...I'm convinced of that.

He always sounds like he's had a few...

Clover...he's not clever enough for satire.

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....and don’t forget that Trump and a number of Republican Senators have said that they won’t accept the election result unless they win.

oh dear - what should I do about it?

the republicans know full well that many of their ideas are very unpopular e.g. on abortion, LGBT rights, healthcare, etc. and they also know that many of their voters are elderly and will be dead within the next 10 year. in the long run their ideas cannot win if the USA remains a democratic country... so they plan to make it a dictatorship instead.

However, I'm sure he didn't really mean that

oh, so -  you wont have to vote again, means you will have to vote again. yeah - righto ! good luck with that one

> they also know that many of their voters are elderly and will be dead within the next 10 years

Oh maybe that's what he meant ... you won't need to vote again because you'll probably be dead before the next election.

Or indeed HE'LL be dead.

Fingers crossed.

Clearly it is, you don't HAVE to vote any more; not won't be ALLOWED to vote. He's saying that he's going to fix your issues so you won't have any need to.


A politician over-promising again. (Now where have we experienced that lately ? 🤔)  Well if he doesn't solve everything he can alway blame it in the last president.

Oh yes, and to answer the original question: everyone could doubt that.

but it's not just this remark is it OG... it's what his VP pick says and what project 2025 says. 

the republicans have been taken over by an american iteration of fascism. when people vote fascists into power then terrible things soon happen. just look at what happened in Germany in the 1930s.

Completely out of context.  He was talking to an audience of Christians who often don't vote; he was saying get out and vote this time and you wont have to vote next time because he'll have fixed the issues.  But quote it out of context to suit your radical leftist narrative if you wish.

That must be the first time in history that a presidential candidate has said there's no need to vote for them ...

I mean, it's not like the last few elections have been closed, is it? For example, Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump in 2016, winning the popular vote and losing the election; and as for 2020, remember the Capitol riots? 

Perlease, then 3-10th amendments are designed to ensure democracy. All you lefties panicking is amusing!

trumpists control the supreme court and aren't in the least interested in stopping him from doing whatever he wants ttt. all he needs is an Enabling Act and it's pretty much over

not according to the constitution

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The Supreme Court has determined that the president cannot be held criminally liable for official acts performed as president.


Commentators have said that Trump could set up a booth within the White House, selling pardons for federal criminal convictions, and he could not even be investigated for such conduct (let alone prosecuted).


Should any president (as part of their official duty) decide to delay an election indefinitely, there is nothing anyone could do about it.


Trump could order the assassination of his opponents (without fear of criminal prosecution), but those carrying out his orders would not be so protected/immune – but he could always promise them a presidential pardon.

He does seem to like dictators. And he has little grasp of the law and the constitution.   
It will be very funny when he loses to a black women in November 😂

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