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Do You Anticipate More Food Banks Opening Shortly?

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naomi24 | 16:41 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
25 Answers

With the loss of the winter fuel allowance for many of the elderly and Keir Starmer's stark warning that the coming October budget will be harsh which will hit young and old alike, are we looking to an immediate future where more people will be obliged to rely on charity?



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So if food banks continue to expand under the labour government, who fault will it be then?

In one word as to down here in God's country, 'Yes'....we already are racked up with poverty.

Interesting question Naomi.

I don't know the answer, maybe or maybe not, depends on a number of factors I think. I'm not aware of any food banks near where I live but I'm sure some people will be hit hard by the things we've been told will happen.

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I just think what this government is going to hit people hard - even those living on benefits are going to find their bills rising so they're not safe either - even though they might think they are.

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*is doing is going to ...

They'll spin it so it's the Tories' fault.

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This isn't the Tories' fault.  This is what Labour is doing.  They're robbing the poor to pay the already comfortable.

There's aways a 30p Lee somewhere amongst the politicians.

One of my colleagues, when I worked at S.O.T Foodbank was a sister of Steve Double MP.

A pastor turned MP and promoting family values who liked to have it off with his secretry.

he was my MP...probably adding cream to the food packages his sister was preparing for the locals with you, nailedit, served in various Pottery dishes. Did efff all for around here though...

What I cannot undrstand is how:-

youngsters upwards, all have mobile phones with associated running costs.

people can afford hundreds of pounds to see Taylor Swift and, eg. the Gallagher creatures.

go abroad for stag dos.

and so on. Clearly there are people who suffer from not having enough money but it is in the wrong hands and not always spent on important things. 

Get off your high horse Naomi and check which Government was in power when they started. Also tell your arrogant mate Tora Tora Tora that foreign aid was given during Tory Government.😒😒

I don't know about 'more' food banks, naomi. I do anticipate a huge increase in demand.  Many of us will be unable to donate the same quantity of spaghetti for example.

Currently, in the village I live in, there is a box for donations in the church porch - so people don't have to come into church and it isnot linked. This last 2 weeks a neighbour has put a box out behind her dustbins to collect food for a chap on our road who has hit very hard times.  It's doing well and I'm trying to connect him to an organisation which may help him.

Bare bones answer? Many more people will be obliged to rely on charity.  The organisations supplying this aid willcome underconsiderable pressure as will their donors.  Donations of food will, for an example, become the cheapest, least healthy meals.


I wonder if a swift vote of no confidence will appear or will the opposition play the long game, having created the problems in the first place and leave Starmer & co to try to right the ship?

Pandemic, Ukraine, financial crisis etc etc. Save you the bother of typing it. 

Not sure if it was a coincidence or not. I was waiting for a parcel, received a note to pay customs CTT for its release but this was not from the company I was expecting from, did not pay, parcel arrived today fromDHL

Oops posted on wrong thread

all labour care about arethe illegal migrants, stop the boats,britain first.

I think there will be an increase in demand, but so many food banks have  closed because of dwindling donations that I can't see many more opening. 

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Dukedelorca, from the government website:  //The Trussell Trust opened its first UK food bank in 2000//


I'll leave you to work out whose government held office at that time.


For your information, I have neither high horses nor 'mates' here.  If you want to convey information to anyone, you'll have to do it yourself from whatever height you choose.

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Will you volunteer again, nailedit?   I do hope so,.  You were so  valuable to them - and I suspect they're going to need all the help they can get.  

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