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In as much as the public can't refuse to pay it and not everyone in a household is responsible for not refusing to pay it.


Or maybe.

For young families we may need a chill cot enquiry.

You started it.

I personally think Labour have conned voters and if these cuts were mentioned in their Manifesto, they might still have been elected but with a drastically reduced Majority. Starmer stood up in Question Time, live on TV and slammed the Tories for even thinking about it. Hypocrite of the highest order.

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no I mean like the public anger it caused.


Well then, yes.

Of course it'll also be their first u-turn so actually, no.

chrissakes stop being outraged

how can you tell when a politician is lying? you can see his lips move

but.... the Labour faithful I agree are pretty shocked

I would like to think so,but doubt it would happen.

Perhaps the lady is for turning 

I very much hope so - see my other posts on WFP.

As regular Abers will know, although a Leftie I have no time for Starmer.

I am now convinced he is a Tory "Plant" and this is his piece de resistance to bring the Government down.

The Labour Party should ditch him now, while they still have a long time before facing another GE.  We'll get the usual wailing "unelected PM" cries of course from those too thick to recognise this has applied to several PMs from Baillie Vass onwards, and even before possibly (I'm too young to remember further back).

One thing is sure, I will not be renewing my Labour Party membership if Starmer's still there when it comes up for renewal.

Utter nonsense ^

Oh Canary, who would you replace him with?


The only one who I think has any credibility is Wes Streeting.

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21:55 You been on the Iron Jelloids me old china? What utter rot.  This is classic old Labour, they are doing what YOU and those like you voted for. Have you forgotten the 70s ?

 TTT. I Do not think Starmer could be as stupid or sink as low as The Ghastly Lady did when she lost her marbles and introduced the poll tax..Which resulted in her downfall at last When she went... everyone thought "Rejoice Rejoice" The Witch has gone.There were street partys in the UK to celebrate the end of that horrendous woman.

According to Lucy Powell, if Labour didn't freeze the pensioners we would have seen a run on the pound and the economy would have crashed.


We are being led by nutters

They are going to have to dream up more of these excuses when Ms Reeves announces her tax hikes.

i agree with canary. starmer is george osborne in a red tie. i was very critical of boris johnson's habitual lying and starmer is just as bad. i do disagree that he is a deliberate plant though. 

Why is anyone acting surprised that Labour are doing what Labour have always done?

as for the poll tax... i do not think there will be riots or large scale protest about this and so it will not change. 

No it won't. Many of those who lose out, and most of those who fail to claim pension credit even though eligible, are over 75 and so might not be around by the next election, and they are unlikely to take to the streets with petrol bombs etc and looting  this winter. 

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