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Bbc Quiz : Week 37

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Buenchico | 20:07 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

Good evening, once again!


I scored a 'passable' (but no more) THREE out of seven on the main quiz this week:


I didn't do too badly on the junior one though, with FOUR out of five:


Your turn!



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Evening, Chris.

5 and 2

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An excellent aggregate score, in my opinion, SJ 😊




The child in me is back in charge this week 😀

Ta 😊

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Get the Lego out, Canary42!

More luck than judgement - 4/7 & 4/5

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Top of the table (at present), anyway, Lie-in King!

Well done!

Oh, only 2 and 3 for me today 

Evening Chris.






Hope this finds you well  ; ))

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Hi, Clover and Sam!

Thanks for keeping each other company this week!

(I continue to 'struggle by', thank you, Sam.  I hope that you're well too!)

I have had poor results recently. 

But this week seemed to have picked up



Been a very happy day, except for the traffic. 

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I feel sure that all of the very best people will have an aggeegate score of 7 this week, Kwillmott 😊

3/7 v 4/7

4/5 v 2/5

Not been "down with the kids" much this week.

Hope Chequers, Moonbeam & Tablo are thriving and you are not struggling too much  😄




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Hi, Haras2!

You're more grown up than I am, anyway 😊

Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo are still bullying me as much as ever.  (I had to carry my meal upstairs yesterday because Chequers kept jumping onto the downstairs table and trying to eat off my plate!).

I hope that all's well with you and yours!

Good Evening, Chris!

My scores are 3/7, 4/5

Much better at the kids quiz tonight. 

Still very much on cloud nine with baby on the brain and a house (and phone) full of photos! - A very happy time seeing my baby with his own baby!

Off on a few days break away with family to cottage in Derbyshire area so looking forward to that. No doubt there will be a few steam train rides involved.

Hope those beautiful kitties are looking after you and snuggling up on cold mornings.

Wishing you and the terrific trio a wonderful week ahead :-)

Question Author

Hi, Karamia!

I see that we're a perfect match for each other this week! 😊

I'm glad that you're getting so many photos of the new arrival.  They grow up so quickly that it's easy to miss out on key moments!

Derbyshire is a wonderful county for rail enthusiasts!

You can also get almost unlimited travel throughout the area for a day, using regular train and bus services, by purchasing Derbyshire Wayfarer Ranger tickets:

The kitties continue to 'look after me' by stealing much of my food and constantly bullying me to give them yet more treats as well!  (Chequers loves to snuggle up with me when I'm in bed though, either alongside me or on top of me!).

We all send our best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful week ahead!

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me all those links, Chris. Much appreciated! x

Just back from Norfolk, Puss Puss is howling and pretending he has been neglected, Bailey is claiming starvation as always. Norfolk was mainly sunny but the temperature only picked up in the last couple of days. Nice walk round the woods at Sandringham this morning, didn't see any royals or their dogs...hope all is good with you and yours .

Question Author

Hi, Campbellking!

You omitted to post your quiz scores but it's just good to see your post anyway!

With my lot, it's Moonbeam who likes to pretend that he's neglected and Chequers who's permanently hungry!  

I've never been to Sandringham but, as I'm a republican, that's probably not that surprising really!

I hope that you, Puss Puss and Bailey will all have a lovely week!

Apologies, quiz scores...5/7,4/5.

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Bbc Quiz : Week 37

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