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Robert Jenrick For Next Tory Leader?

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Hymie | 09:42 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
3 Answers

Listening to Robert Jenrick (on Laura Kuenssberg), he has said that if leader of the Tories he would be advocating that the UK leaves the ECHR.

This is a sure-fire vote loser.


Many ABers don’t trust the Labour government to run the country’s economy (you may be one of them) – but sure as hell (if you agree with Robert Jenrick), you will be trusting the Labour government (or any other government for that matter) with your basic human rights.



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I Think the ECHR is hated throughtout Europe let alone UK. Beloved of the 5C trobsicites most normal people see it for what it is. A charter for criminal scum. We should leave and enact our own HR act based on common sense and indeed real human rights for the masses not lowlife criminal scum. Huge vote winner.

On the contrary anyone who says they have the guts to do what is necessary to solve the issues that previous governments have merely payed lip service to, will win votes not lose them in the way elections have been lost previously.


HR is already inshrined in UK law and it follows that only the UK are responsible for ensuring they are right.

Any organisation that purports to protect  an individual's rights to freedon of speech but denies it on the grounds of maintaining social cohesion - as the ECHR has - is not for for purpose.  We should have left it years ago.

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Robert Jenrick For Next Tory Leader?

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