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Eu To Discuss Rwanda-Style Asylum Centres Across Europe

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webbo3 | 10:48 Mon 14th Oct 2024 | News
10 Answers

Try this one for the Telegraph as it seems to have no paywall

EU to discuss Rwanda-style asylum centres across Europe (

Has the EU finally woken up?


It comes as Italy is set to open Europe’s first off-shore processing centre in Albania on Monday.

A few months ago, the EU adopted a sweeping reform of its asylum policies, hardening border procedures and compelling countries to take in refugees from under-pressure states or pay €20,000 (£16,700) for each they reject//



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As usual UK leads Europe follows.

"As usual UK leads Europe follows."

As usual, though, Tora, although the UK led with the idea of off-shoring migrant processing, opposition to the scheme, mainly from members of the current government, aided and abetted by the usual assortment of hand-wringers, ensured it would never happen. 

Yes we are stymied by our own trobiscites but the idea was out there and others my pick it up. The EUSSR has a chance here to do what it claims is the purpose of it, cooperation.

We seem to be leading the scrapping of anything that might work, at present.

Here's the Telegraph article;

Didn't the ECHR set a precedent when it stopped flights from the UK going to Rwanda - or will it change its mind for the rest of Europe?

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Thanks Khandro

@111.22.    It seems that the stringent application of the ECHR legislation is only applicable to the UK Naomi. Led of course by the wicked witch herself, Mrs Bliar, and her cohorts at the trough.  

Maybe this will indicate what the EU really feels about the ECHR.

And Sir freegear will no ndoubt hop on the band wagon.

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Eu To Discuss Rwanda-Style Asylum Centres Across Europe

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