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Tls Crossword 1556

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teacher1 | 16:59 Wed 11th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Clue for 24d is missing ...... any thoughts?



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Try asking the publisher.

I've emailed them & will post on this thread with any replies.

Lie-in King has emailed them....

owl or oil, but we're clueless

Don't forget Popeye's girlfriend...

I'll check my inbox as soon as I can in the morning.

No reply yet, I've resent the email & will keep a keen eye out...

While waiting Lie-In to come up with the clue to 24d, I've completed the rest of the grid other than for 8d. Two males harbouring negative reaction to tango in 1960s Latin American movement (3,4). Assuming the alternative spelling of SWAP with an O is OK for 15a, I have T?E ?O?O. Any help?

8d The Boom - 'T(ango)' + boo' (negative reaction, in) 'he + m(ale)'

15a is hidden in the clue, Bill.

Silly me. Ta.

You're welcome 😊

Just had a non-auto reply, someone at TLS is aware of the 24d problem.  Watch this space...

   24: Old wine liked primarily – it could be tawny (3)

hot off the press

Thanks for your efforts, chum.

And Lie-In and any others too

Question Author

Thanks everybody. ;o)

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Tls Crossword 1556

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