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beckster4 | 11:49 Tue 16th Jan 2007 | Society & Culture
8 Answers
Do cannibals eat raw meat or do they cook it first


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Well you need to distinguish whether you mean ritual cannibalism, cannibalism by necessity occurring in extreme situations of famine, and cannibalism by mentally disturbed persons.

I should think with ritual cannibalism, cooking is probably preferred, possibly with some seasoning and a side of salad or veg. For the latter, out of necessity or derangement, I shouldn�t think they have the time nor inclination to cook.
mibn2cweus, that was hilarious, thanks for a good laugh :-)
In the Pacific Islands 'Long Pig' was cooked with great ceremony and the only meat eaten with a fork as it was taboo to touch human flesh. But, apparently OK to eat it off a fork. I believe it was cooked wrapped in banana leaves in a long trench similar to a Maori oven. The people who prepared the dish apparently had special dispensation.
OMG! whose heads in the pot ? you lot have given me a right laugh :-)

sorry beckster if this was a serious question! i'll leave you to it in case you get some serious answers!

(hope i don't get nightmares after reading this lot ! )
or were you being serious ?
sorry!!!!!!!! LOL
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