PP & psb - I also went to a C of E church as a child, and had "assembly" every morning in school, and R.E. lessons - and never ever learned what Christianity was all about, until I met a Christian who really explained it to me, when I was aged 29. (I'm 56 now!) I read lots of books about Christianity, and read most, but not all of the Bible over the years, and having had it expalined, and coming to understand it all, I finally became a Christian.
It didn't happen in a flash, as it does with some people. For me it was more a gradual realisation of what I believe is the ultimate reality, God.
Having been bereaved myself over the years, I too have had my faith shaken, but ultimately strengthened.
Talking to Answerbank debaters who are atheists / secular humanists, has been challenging to say the least, and serves the purpose of not allowing me to becoma complacent about my faith.
(Phew! That's enough for one post!)