Le Chat, I have been a church minister for 17 years and I am still uncomfortable with people who have to punctuate every sentence with God talk and references to God. This is certainly not what my faith is about. St. francis of Assissi once said: "Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words" In other words, it's more about living a life of faith than talking about it all the time. I wouldn't worry too much about seeking. What you're looking for is within you. God is love. Wherever love is, there God is.
As for your husband being agnostic, that is not a problem at all. In fact, agnosticism is a very healthy position. It means that he doesn't just accept religion hook, line and sinker. Questions and doubts are vital. There would be no scientific discoveries without them. My husband is a psychologist and although he has a faith he does not claim to be particularly religious. I love him to bits and I think he is deeply spiritual. I am eternally grateful that he isn't a bible basher. Just an ordinary guy. We have great fun together and so much love.