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It seems that the dislike of things American is directed
not towards the man-in-the-street, but to the last couple
of administrations, and to the current president in
particular. This must be because of the Gulf and Iraqi
wars and their aftermath. For much the same reason
Blair and his government are disliked, but their are other
factors with Blair and his ministers.
These include their handling of affairs affecting the
British public in general: the economy, the NHS, the transport system, the armed forces, the police, the
justice system. All of these have been adversely
affected, not to say almost ruined, by ten years of New Labour, despite heavy taxation. The latest addition to
this sorry inventory is the pensions scandal.
The irony is, of course, that none of this would have
happened under Old Labour - or at least, not to this
extent - and that the only alternative, David Cameron's Conservatives, shows every sign of carrying on where
Blair leaves off.