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National Kissing Day.

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moonshadow | 13:18 Fri 06th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
July 6th is National Kissing Day so who are you hoping to pucker up with?
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John Barrowman but he never returns my calls :(

Mr Noir wasnt intereted as I apparently have "breath" today !!
jared leto and chad micheal murray will do for starters failing that the bf, although i don't think i'm seeing him tonight - random stranger then
I will suck face with my lovely carakeel this instant!!!!!!!
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Ratter,how is her knee coming on?
Moonshadow, She is doing really well thanks, she still gets a lot of pain and sleepless nights but she is now driving and walking a bit more without crutches.
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Oh my!!!! And did he ever!!!! That was sooooo nice!

Hope you all get a kiss from someone special today! Of course for me it will be my darling RATTER, especially as he deserves lots of kisses.

moonshadow, thanks for asking after my knee , XXX :o). Having had both knees replaced things don't heal quite as quickly, but I am doing well considering. Will be sooo much happier when there isn't so much pain involved anymore though and we can go for longer walks with our doggie.
Black Noir there is a good reason John's not returning your calls!!

I wouldn't mind snogging Johnny D but I guess I'll have to queue
<shuffles off to pack thermos and sleeping bag and go five miles down the road to see if he's there this weekend....sigh>
where's Carla when I need her?
I know Hellyon but I planning on converting him nudge nudge !

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National Kissing Day.

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