Im just providing an answer campfire. I dont go to confession Im not catholic. I have never said I think its right that a priest should be allowed to do this. I personally find catholics an odd bunch with a very putdated method of living. It always stuns me when I hear of the pope being blamed for the aids epidemic because they are all catholic and not using condoms because of this but surely if these people had been living a truly catholic life (no sex before marriage) then they would have the aids epidemic. Again people using religion when they want it. As a whole I lead probably a Christian life, just one with relatively good moral standards.
I find no harm in something that gives someone comfort. If it helps my little boy think his grandad is in a better place and not make him feel so desperately sad about death thats fine. I have never told him there is a heaven or hell, or that I believe in God, he has made these decisions himself. Religion has no place for YOUin modern society as you get comfort from other things, just as I wouldn't expect my son to force his beliefs on you, I would be very disappointed if you told him that.
Each to there own. I'm more agnostic about the whole thing to be honest, lost my faith after a suicide and another unexpected death. I still cant get my head around us coming from a big ball of dust and believe there has to be some higher being. I find theology pretty fascinating but maybe thats because I had a very churchy upbringing and a lovely reverend, and church seemed magical.
One definiton of religion is a cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. Atheism appears to fall into this category and they seem to be the pushiest of the lot. Unable to let people live and let live.