I am actually but it's all from about ten years ago, alas I'm now reaping the rewards of a much younger and far more hedonistic China Doll... Little wench, I could kill her.
I've been in contact with one of those people who help you to repay under one bill but I have to say that they've been calling me recently and I'm not answering because I'm just so scared.
I'm hopeless with money, not in that I run and spend it all on rubbish, I actually buy very little in terms of material things and like everyone else I pay the bills, do the shopping and hope there's something left over to play with if I'm lucky. It's just that money has always scared me, I don't understand it, I don't understand investments, banks, nothing.... I didn't even have a bank account until I was 18 and that was only because I became a student. I think my fear stems more from the fact that I grew up in an enviroment below the breadline and that's what I'm used to, when I was kid mortgages, ISA's, savings accounts, credit cards, catalouges... all that sort of thing were alien concepts to me and they still are really.
Normally when I'm scared of something I try and learn as much about it as possible (I'm a walking font of useless knowledge about bugs) so that I can understand it but money/finance scares me enough that I don't even want to know which is quite the wrong attitude to have.
Perhaps I should have put in to room 101.