I had a restraining order put out on my violent ex husband, 2yrs ago. All my household goods inc. white goods and electrical wer bought in his name using fraudulently achieved loans and credit cards. Debt collectors letters have stopped now. I am moving shortly from this council flat soon 2 b with my new partner, can I sell or give away any of these goods?
This is only a guess but has some basis in law.
If you know the names of the companies write to them advising them of the fact that you are leaving and they have 28 days to get in touch and collect their items, if they don't advise them, then you will sell the goods.
If they don't reply, you can get rid of them
This should give you legal tilte as they will have abandoned them.
If you have CAB nearby , check with them to make sure.
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what do I do with furniture etc that my ex has not paid for?