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brionon | 14:37 Mon 12th May 2008 | Society & Culture
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By nursing mothers in public places ?


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i must say tho, wee babies dont wait to well.
i have about 2 mins from when my daughter decides to have her bottle before she starts screaming. You cant stay at home all day on the offchance that your child might want feeding if you go out.

if your partner or wife wanted to breastfeed could you suffer a very upset baby just because you didnt want your wife feeding?
I've seen it in a restaurant and it was right in my eye-line, and she wasn't particulary discreet about it and yes, I found it wrong.

The trouble is, some women as soon as they pop out a kid become 'professional' mothers and feel it is their right, nay duty, to ride roughshod over everybody else's feelings, this can be by not removing a screeching kid from a shop, to changing a sh1tty nappy on a bench in a shopping centre (yep, seen that to) to indiscreetly breastfeeding.

Discreetly breastfeeding a baby is one thing, but flopping the old lills out willy nilly and whereever they feel like it is something else altogether.

And mouth or not mrs-overall, if you butted in on a discussion I was having with a women with her udders out in a restaurant, you would swiftly and in no uncertain terms be told to mind your own - I've got a mouth on me as well.

The mother of my children never found it necessary to do any of the above, and whilst I fully understand and accept that every parent loves and adores their children and they are very very special, they are not particulary special to other people.

I have lost count the number of times I have been in a shop and there has been a child screaming at the top of its lungs and the parent just smiles indulgently at them - when the polite thing to do would be to get the kid out of their and calm it down.

So, to answer the question, I would say no, if it is discreet and yes if it is not.
Take a bottle of breast milk out with you then?
First of all I think mothers do and should make an effort to cover as much as possible as someone even said that on previous page. Because that is even good for the child as they feel more comfortable.

Then I believe the difference is in the eye of a person who sees it. If you just imagine that it is a mother who is feeding her hungry baby then there is no more natural and respected act you would find. However if few people see that as a sex object then I am sure these people do not have any objection when people are kissing and almost performing sex acts in public.
Personally, I dont have any problems with women getting their boobs out in public!
Completely agree with Flipflop. I am not offended, but I can't stand these 'earthmother' types who make a big show of breastfeeding in public places. Discrete is good. Not everybody wants to see boobs boldly exposed in public places. Remember, some people will be embarrassed. Especially some older gentleman.
flip-flop, I've lost count of the number of times I've come across mums DISCRETELY feeding their babies, while some oaf has been stood over them shouting their mouth off about breastfeeding being "disgusting". The last time this happened, the poor mum was in tears while the (male) bully was in full rant.
It's human nature (well, mine, anyway) to step in and help someone who is being bullied and hectored in this manner.
just to add, i feel uncomfortable (not offended) if a woman is less than discrete. Not that i think she shouldnt be feeding but that i dont think that anyone needs to see it all on display, it just makes me feel awkward, not disgusted.
But I would never suggest that a mother feeds a baby in a toilet - clean or otherwise. There should be 'nursing' areas available in large stores.
I agree Red, it makes me feel awkward too, rather than offended, especially if I am in the company of someone who is embarrassed. I think we should all be aware that some people do find it embarrassing to witness a stranger breastfeeding, and respect that.
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I'm completely flummoxed as to why breasts and breast-feeding should annoy or disgust anyone. I just can't understand it. Why ?
I'm not mad keen on it to be honest but it doesn't offend me. After all, a kids got to eat and sometimes you can be caught out on the go so needs must and all that. And as already stated, it's not like the whole breast comes out or anything. I'd certainly rather the child got fed than screamed the place down cause it's starving.

I know my own mother had to do it once when she had an appointment somewhere that got delayed and I kicked off due to it apparently coinciding with my lunch and she managed to find a quiet spot and as Mrs O said, a big shawl.
....and for the record, I fully agree that there is no need for a woman to have her boob(s) totally exposed. I agree that this can cause embarrassment and there is no need for it.
I still say that breastfeeding is the most natural thing on earth and it is not offensive per se.
I can't see that anyone should be annoyed or disgusted, Brionon, but I respect the fact that they might be embarrassed and uncomfortable. Not everybody, particularly men in the older generation, would feel very comfortable if someone proceeded to breast feed quite brazenly in a restaurant. And quite honestly I can understand that.
I remember seeing a programme on tele where some of these 'earthmother' types got together to protest about the lack of breastfeeding facilities and arrranged some sort of demonstration where they all got their boobs out and fed in public. I think they totally ruined their chances of people having any sympathy!!
I am perplexed that anyone should particularly care.
It's much more offensive for men to have their boobs on show. Unfortunately we will now have to put up with that until the weather gets cold again.
Oh, how I agree piggling - bare chested sweaty men in the high street, shops and cafes. Why is it always the men that have horrible wobbly 'boobs' and beer guts as well. Why on earth can't they just put a T-shirt on.
I can't believe people are suggesting babies should be fed in toilets. Do they eat there themselves?

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