Film, Media & TV0 min ago
Is this close to the truth?
Firstly, let me say that I am not "throwing this in your face". I am just wondering how true a picture of England has this columnist painted. As he was,I was born in England and moved to Canada many years ago as a young boy, and I have never been back. If I returned for a visit would I be shocked at the changes? n_Michael/2008/07/05/6071306.php
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Great Britain is only great for one thing, and that is our heritage.
I wholeheartedly agree with the author of your article.
Our country went down hill when Baroness Thatcher left office.
Major did a fair job but didn't have the charisma or balls of our Maggie.
Then enter Blair and his equally odious wife.
Immigration went unchecked which has led to many to the many inner city issue enjoyed by traditional brits.
We signed the ECHR which led to criminals, terrorists and further immigrants and asylum seekers rule the roost.
Chronic underspending in the public sector where it was truly needed marred with over spending on things like immigration, various rights for minority groups and benefits for the peasants only fuelled the decay.
Maggie gave the country, even the working classes hope. Blair gave us absolute nothing. He took power away from schools and the police and gave power to liberal wishy-washy do-gooders.
Alcohol and drug abuse has not so much got any worse it is just the scum can easily exploit the law nowadays as they have "rights".
Brown is no better. More worried about how much food we throw away than dealing with immigrants murdering OUR children.
Cameron IS the only way forward.
I never thought I would say this, and it saddens me to know my Great Grandfather died at the Somme for our freedoms, but Great Britain is very much scummy at the moment. And I afraid I can almost attribute near enough issue with immigration and the cancerous Labour Party.
I wholeheartedly agree with the author of your article.
Our country went down hill when Baroness Thatcher left office.
Major did a fair job but didn't have the charisma or balls of our Maggie.
Then enter Blair and his equally odious wife.
Immigration went unchecked which has led to many to the many inner city issue enjoyed by traditional brits.
We signed the ECHR which led to criminals, terrorists and further immigrants and asylum seekers rule the roost.
Chronic underspending in the public sector where it was truly needed marred with over spending on things like immigration, various rights for minority groups and benefits for the peasants only fuelled the decay.
Maggie gave the country, even the working classes hope. Blair gave us absolute nothing. He took power away from schools and the police and gave power to liberal wishy-washy do-gooders.
Alcohol and drug abuse has not so much got any worse it is just the scum can easily exploit the law nowadays as they have "rights".
Brown is no better. More worried about how much food we throw away than dealing with immigrants murdering OUR children.
Cameron IS the only way forward.
I never thought I would say this, and it saddens me to know my Great Grandfather died at the Somme for our freedoms, but Great Britain is very much scummy at the moment. And I afraid I can almost attribute near enough issue with immigration and the cancerous Labour Party.
when I was 18 (16 years ago) I was a student at Uni.
I used to drink a stupid amount of alcohol and being an immature type who played rugby, me and my chums would think nothing of downing a load of alcohol and going around town stealing traffic cones etc etc.
My brother (who is 8 years older than me) did pretty much the same.
I used to smoke and every single but I had was pretty much discarded on the street (though I never really though of it as littering).
Now (at 34) I look back at those years with some regret. I look at people at that age and think how stupid they are.
However, I also think back with reality (as opposed to a lot of posters on here who have led exemplary lives) and realise that things aren't much difference.
I have no doubt that our behaviour was intimidating to older people - just as being older now, I find it slightly intimidating now.
Yes there is more emmigration now - but what are you comparing it to? 20 years ago, people didn't even go abroad for their holiday - now it is an annual event for most people.
Yes, there are problems with binge drinking, violence etc. But whilst they have increased, the media in the last 20 years has increased amazingly.
20 years ago, if someone was stabbed in London, if you lived outside of the capital you wouldn't know about it.
How many people in England know that the knife problem is over three times worse in Scotland? Again, media love to spin stories. Have dogs only started attacking kids in the last few years? Or have the media jumped onto emotive stories to sell more?
personally, I love the area I live in, as well as Britain, and feel that you get out of an area what you put in.
Of course, ask the majority of people what they do to help their community, and they will look at you blankly.
I used to drink a stupid amount of alcohol and being an immature type who played rugby, me and my chums would think nothing of downing a load of alcohol and going around town stealing traffic cones etc etc.
My brother (who is 8 years older than me) did pretty much the same.
I used to smoke and every single but I had was pretty much discarded on the street (though I never really though of it as littering).
Now (at 34) I look back at those years with some regret. I look at people at that age and think how stupid they are.
However, I also think back with reality (as opposed to a lot of posters on here who have led exemplary lives) and realise that things aren't much difference.
I have no doubt that our behaviour was intimidating to older people - just as being older now, I find it slightly intimidating now.
Yes there is more emmigration now - but what are you comparing it to? 20 years ago, people didn't even go abroad for their holiday - now it is an annual event for most people.
Yes, there are problems with binge drinking, violence etc. But whilst they have increased, the media in the last 20 years has increased amazingly.
20 years ago, if someone was stabbed in London, if you lived outside of the capital you wouldn't know about it.
How many people in England know that the knife problem is over three times worse in Scotland? Again, media love to spin stories. Have dogs only started attacking kids in the last few years? Or have the media jumped onto emotive stories to sell more?
personally, I love the area I live in, as well as Britain, and feel that you get out of an area what you put in.
Of course, ask the majority of people what they do to help their community, and they will look at you blankly.
I'm not a great fan of the press either; however, this columnist does seem to reiterate some of the views and comments made by people on other threads in this section during the recent past. I think that part of the 'problem' could be so many of you (60 million?) stuck in such a small space........Do you feel crowded?
I agree with most of what he said, I recognise it as my country. If I leave Britain it'll be to escape the sneering agression and casual violence I see most every day.
I have to disagree with Abdulmajid hold Thatcher largely responsible for the break down of our society.
And as for Vic yes I used to go out and get steaming drunk when I was younger (still do from time to time) the big difference between our generation and this new young team is that we were'nt thieves, I'd try and pull get fcuked off and walk home via Scotty Road and think nothing of it, I'm loathe to walk down it in the afternoon now! You used to see the occaisonal glassing (usually women) and a few fights, not stabbings and shootings, and people getting stamped on the head by gangs. They don't want to beat you up (they might'nt even want to rob you) they just want to kill you.
I've been to China (where the people are'nt free I'm told) you can walk in the park at 2230 without a gang or a drunk in sight, just people with their families out walking, you'll see gangs of teenagers smiling laughing and joking at some innocent amusement. Maybe they know something we don't...
I have to disagree with Abdulmajid hold Thatcher largely responsible for the break down of our society.
And as for Vic yes I used to go out and get steaming drunk when I was younger (still do from time to time) the big difference between our generation and this new young team is that we were'nt thieves, I'd try and pull get fcuked off and walk home via Scotty Road and think nothing of it, I'm loathe to walk down it in the afternoon now! You used to see the occaisonal glassing (usually women) and a few fights, not stabbings and shootings, and people getting stamped on the head by gangs. They don't want to beat you up (they might'nt even want to rob you) they just want to kill you.
I've been to China (where the people are'nt free I'm told) you can walk in the park at 2230 without a gang or a drunk in sight, just people with their families out walking, you'll see gangs of teenagers smiling laughing and joking at some innocent amusement. Maybe they know something we don't...
first of all i agree with the article i think he has described england well.
second everton please make your mind up first you can walk in the park at 2230 without a gang or a drunk in sight,
then you'll see gangs of teenagers smiling laughing .
most of my work went to china (some to india) wages a lot lower . longer working hours, don't have to worry about the
environment just dump the toxic waste nearby no red tape like in this country.
Maybe they know something we don't...
second everton please make your mind up first you can walk in the park at 2230 without a gang or a drunk in sight,
then you'll see gangs of teenagers smiling laughing .
most of my work went to china (some to india) wages a lot lower . longer working hours, don't have to worry about the
environment just dump the toxic waste nearby no red tape like in this country.
Maybe they know something we don't...
good god oneyedvic you were REALLY a hooligan werent you?...gosh pinching traffic cones and throwing cigarrete ends away i bet your local neighbourhood were terrified of your ''gang'' lol i think things have changed from 16 years ago mate jesus you should have grown up in stoke 16 years ago withot wanting to sound to derogatory to my hometown but if you walked around with 2 ears you were wonder your views towards immigrants are so liberal...ohhh jolly hockeysticks old chap.....mind that traffic cone lol lol
lonnie how on earth can the labour government be blamed for ramjam abdul stabbing rajid ahmed to death? or fred smith stabbimg bill jones to death? or any combination of the 4?if you can answer that 1 you ought to be the prime minister.the home secretary and the lord chief justice all rolled into 1......the fact of the matter is that NO ONE REALLY KNOWS THE ANSWER.......................
Sorry but the rot started way back in the 80's and we have been sliding down hill with every succesive goverment Tory and Labour.
PC has taken over. Blame is passed from place to place.
Children are not naughty and corrected for it. They Just blame ADHD or some other new excuse.
No one wants to be accountable for anything.
Every one is afraid to do or say anything any more for fear of being labled racist, sexist or a trouble maker.
Big Brother is and has been here for a long time now and the only thing that matters to any one is what they have and what they can get. The Tories started the process and New labour/ old tory have just about finished putting the final touches on.
PC has taken over. Blame is passed from place to place.
Children are not naughty and corrected for it. They Just blame ADHD or some other new excuse.
No one wants to be accountable for anything.
Every one is afraid to do or say anything any more for fear of being labled racist, sexist or a trouble maker.
Big Brother is and has been here for a long time now and the only thing that matters to any one is what they have and what they can get. The Tories started the process and New labour/ old tory have just about finished putting the final touches on.
I am perhaps looking back with " rose colored glasses" with a tinge of nostalgia clouding the lenses. But, I remember England as a gentle greenish land, the smell of new mown hay. Women with carrier-bags doing their shopping on High Street every second day. The watch-man at the gas-works with his burning brazier, and the sounds of "Dick Barton" and the "Goon Show" on the wireless.........Told you I was 'oldish'.
Ah Dr. Filth I presume, you should read my answer more carefully, and save yourself from perplexion. The "gangs" of teenagers I saw (lots of em) were all "laughing at some innocent amusement" when I said gangs perhaps I should of said large groups. The point I was trying to stress is this, they were'nt drunk, stoned, aggressive, intimidating, thieves, vandals or rude. You will often see on the bus very young men, and very young women giving up their seats for the elderly (I have only witnessed that once this year here) these same kids will go home do their home work and then go and work in their parents shop. If you're still not convinced by what I saw then watch "Chinese School" (a documentary by the B.B.C) in it you'll see a class of around 40 teenagers (all working class kids) stand up as 1 and say "good morning honourable teacher" try getting that here...
When was in China I was struck by how clean the streets are, there is always somebody sweeping up late into the night, their waste bins are separated for recyclcable and non-recyclable waste, I saw more birds and wildlife than I do here watch "Wild China" (B.B.C again), everyone recycles over there, although the air pollution could be bad (but so's London's) industrial pollution is an issue. No country's perfect but I was VERY impressed by China and I am quite wdely travelled.
When was in China I was struck by how clean the streets are, there is always somebody sweeping up late into the night, their waste bins are separated for recyclcable and non-recyclable waste, I saw more birds and wildlife than I do here watch "Wild China" (B.B.C again), everyone recycles over there, although the air pollution could be bad (but so's London's) industrial pollution is an issue. No country's perfect but I was VERY impressed by China and I am quite wdely travelled.
It's not entirely fair to blame the demise of the country on immigrants. Yes, their presence has changed the faces of many of our towns and cities beyond recognition - there's no doubt about that - but they can't be blamed for binge drinking, or for the rise in teenage pregnancies.
People did holiday abroad 20 years ago - the Costas were buzzing - people did go out and get drunk, teenagers did have babies, and the media did report stabbings, but these problems have now become far more commonplace.
With New Labour came the Chav mentality, uncontrolled immigration, and government interference into every aspect of life. Politically correct loony lefties and do-gooders, who in reality have done no good at all, and have demolished all traces of self-discipline, self-respect and acceptance of personal responsibility - reign. No one is held accountable for their actions any more. It's always someone else's fault - and the penalties for crime are pathetic. We have able-bodied people who refuse to work, but instead of saying 'no work, no money', we allow them to continue to burden society. And then we have the Human Rights Act - a good thing when applied properly - but so terribly abused.
People did holiday abroad 20 years ago - the Costas were buzzing - people did go out and get drunk, teenagers did have babies, and the media did report stabbings, but these problems have now become far more commonplace.
With New Labour came the Chav mentality, uncontrolled immigration, and government interference into every aspect of life. Politically correct loony lefties and do-gooders, who in reality have done no good at all, and have demolished all traces of self-discipline, self-respect and acceptance of personal responsibility - reign. No one is held accountable for their actions any more. It's always someone else's fault - and the penalties for crime are pathetic. We have able-bodied people who refuse to work, but instead of saying 'no work, no money', we allow them to continue to burden society. And then we have the Human Rights Act - a good thing when applied properly - but so terribly abused.
Children have to be taught from a young age how to behave, and what is socially acceptable and what is not. They can't teach themselves, so if we abandon our responsibilities to them, how can we ever expect them to learn? And if they don't learn, they eventually grow into adults with a 'me, me, me' attitude, who neither know, nor care what's right and what's wrong - and so it continues on to the next generation. Television programmes, the media, education - all these things have been dumbed-down to unrecognisable levels over the past twenty years. People expect to have everything their hearts desire, children aren't allowed to learn to cope with failure, and discipline is a thing of the past - as is respect - unless you're a knife-wielding thug - when the word 'respect' translates as 'fear'.
Yes, this country has changed. New Labour's theme song was 'Things can only get better', but sadly the reverse is true, because we're way past the point of no return.
Children have to be taught from a young age how to behave, and what is socially acceptable and what is not. They can't teach themselves, so if we abandon our responsibilities to them, how can we ever expect them to learn? And if they don't learn, they eventually grow into adults with a 'me, me, me' attitude, who neither know, nor care what's right and what's wrong - and so it continues on to the next generation. Television programmes, the media, education - all these things have been dumbed-down to unrecognisable levels over the past twenty years. People expect to have everything their hearts desire, children aren't allowed to learn to cope with failure, and discipline is a thing of the past - as is respect - unless you're a knife-wielding thug - when the word 'respect' translates as 'fear'.
Yes, this country has changed. New Labour's theme song was 'Things can only get better', but sadly the reverse is true, because we're way past the point of no return.
stoke, naomi has got it just about right, its this mostly goverment that has brought about the collapse of family life, brought in the political correctness and human rights that are the bane of our lives today, got rid of beat bobbies and brought in blunketts bobbies instead, allowed criminals to have more rights than law abiders.
I could carry on, but you only have to look at life and statistics pre 1997 to see the difference.
I could carry on, but you only have to look at life and statistics pre 1997 to see the difference.