Relationship! in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Grotey | 18:10 Sun 31st Aug 2008 | Society & Culture
5 Answers
hey! look i have msn and there is a girl at my school who i asked out but she said no! how can i compliment her on msn or make her happy? any help or answers i will be so greatful. thanks
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I would not be looking to compliment her, if she said no then move on, im sure the right girl is out there for you
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Surpringly complementing women is not a way to get them to like you.

Maybe it's a way to keep them liking you (but that's another story)

Imagine there was a girl who fancied you but you were a little "so so" about it.

She starts being really nice to you buying you little things etc.

Are you going to think:

a) Actually I was wrong I really rather fancy her
b) ugh creepy - how needy is she?

Think about it - better still think about why she said no and try not to make the same mistake next time
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Hiya grotey,
If she said know although it may be hard you've got to move on try concentrating on something else e.gsports, reading ect.
Just because she said no by all means dosent mean she dosent want to be mates with you, she just dosent have the same feelings you do for her !
Try and move on there are plenty more fish in the sea
good luck

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