None of us would say outright that God killed this child, but asking �Why did God allow this to happen�? is a question we would all ask when tragedy occurs. Inevitably we assume that He shares some responsibility for it, so we must also assume that Satan, the devil or evil generally shares equal or more blame. Evil caused it, God did not prevent it. This is a natural reaction.
If you were sitting at a table with two friends sitting opposite you, say Janet & John. Janet sees a person creeping up behind you with a baseball bat and turns to John and asks �how is your family?� When you wake up you will probably blame Janet for the assault as much or more as the person who had the bat.
So who do we blame? God doesn�t actively control people, as you have mentioned, we have free will. Some people believe that God controls every aspect of their lives and predetermines everything. I disagree with that, for to do so would mean that He controlled these two boys to commit murder. The Bible says somewhere that Gods justice allows people to experience the consequences of their disobedience. A sort of get out clause I guess, but there really is nor can there be any satisfactory answer in the face of such tragedies. We can only blame the people who carried out this atrocious act, and assume that the �why� is beyond our understanding.
I also watched the programme with sadness, revulsion and fear. I had not really appreciated 15 years ago how evil these boys intended to be. They set out that day to murder a child, the first young boy was fortunate, and Jamie was just the next opportunity to them. I feel for the parents and all the witnesses who saw them along the 3 mile walk who must be asking themselves (albeit incorrectly), how did they �allow� this to happen.