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Don't you just hate it?

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rojash | 17:34 Sun 29th Mar 2009 | Society & Culture
4 Answers
I went out for a meal last night - nice, relaxed restaurant. Afterwards I went to the loo. I'm standing in there doing what you do, when the guy in a silver suit materialises in the cubicle and says "I am Charndorff 4 from the planet Gorf and I come to warn you that if your people don't change their ways, you are all doomed".

Don't you hate it when they do that? Why can't they wait at least until you've washed your hands?


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Expediency. It may already be too late.
Maybe he didn't realise that you were going to wash your hands, and so was speaking to the wrong person!
Well thats Gorfians for you, no manners.
I'm glad to see you maintain personal hygene awareness even in the most tense of business dealings.

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Don't you just hate it?

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