a) Bow out completely b) Give signals to make it known that you were interested but do nothing more c) Give very overt signals to ensure that the other person knew d) Do everything in your power to get that person.
well it would depend, a lot of blokes will say that their wives/GFs are horrible people who reject their love just to get you into bed, the hard luck story is always a winner, most of the time these blokes are in an okay relationship normally still having sex with the wife.
if he was truly in an unhappy relationship I would prefer to see him split up independently from that relationship without the promise of someone in the wings
A lot of men do go from one relationship straight to another - (so do some women).
Suppose you knew the person was unhappy and wanted a long term realtionship not just a fling - what then?
Personally (and some may remember from a past thread) My mother was very unhappy with my father. She had an affair and left him when my sister and I left school.
She eventually married him - they have been together 20 years now.
I'm pretty sure they have been the best 20 years of her life.
My father never remarried.
If I don't see this in black and white the way many here do perhaps you can see why