Society & Culture6 mins ago
Society down the drain.
Why is society going down the drain. We now live in a time where being a criminal is fashionable. We now live in a time where almost everyone is a lawbreaker to some degree. We now live in a time where people choose which laws they can break and which laws they cannot.
We are not law breakers I here you cry. We will even give perfectly reasonable excuses why we break the law.
How many of you deny being criminals. How many of you speed or litter or do not own a tax disc or do not own a tv licence or download music off the net. How many of you have bought copied dvds or smoke in places you are not allowed. How many of you allow your dogs to foul in public and do not clean it up. The list is endless yet every one of the above is breaking the law and breaking the law makes you a criminal.
When did society go down the drain.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.There are situations where society hasn't gone done the drain as well. Strangers DO help strangers and to be honest, people have always broken the law. Society isn't ALL bad, there are good people out there, you just have to open your eyes a bit wider to see them.
You seem to be mistakenly equating the law with morality.
After leaving the postoffice today my wife and I took our children across the road. We crossed on a pedestrian crossingand nearly got knocked down by a boy racer who chose to ignore the law regarding pedestrian crossings. He had a cigarette in one hand and his mobile phone pressed to his ear with the other. Again against the law. After the car had passed we watched as his passenger casually threw a can and a cigarette packet out of the window totally oblivious to everything around them. Littering also against the law. When we had calmed ourselves down we continued to our local street market where we found a man and a woman selling copied dvds and cds. Again illegal. I reported the couple selling illegal material to the manager of the market and was told to mind my own f**cking business whilst I held onto my 5 year old son. Morally wrong.
No tweed I am not mistakenly equating the law with morality. What gives anyone the right to pick and choose which laws to break.
As I pointed out originally maximo some of you will even give perfectly reasonable excuses why you break the law. They are not crimes they are offences.
Definition of offence is a violation or breach of the law or any public wrong or crime.
A democracy gives you the choice not to follow the rules at your own risk. Bo**ocks does it. A democracy is built on a system of rules voted for by a majoprity of the public and when the people of a democracy choose not to adhere to some of the laws they are sticking there fingers up to democracy. However you paint it maximo a law breaker is a law breaker. You think that by justifying yourself you make it alright to break the laws you choose. How much software on your computer is copied. Illegal. You will still find a justification for it as everyone does. When society justifies the crimes it makes it is going down the drain.
Breaking the law does make you a criminial Trilobite. A criminal is someone who is guilty of a crime. As soon as you comit a crime even if you are the only one that knows about it you are guilty of that crime.
Arthur55, I assume you are putting yourself up as a paragon of virtue, who has never broken a law in your life. Can you share with us how you achieved this so we can all improve?
I would agree with trilobite, as there is basic premise of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. You may argue that you are morally a criminal merely by breaking the law, but as has been pointed out, morals and crimes are two different things, otherwise you could plead moral justification if you hit the man that swore at you.
The time we live in has been created by the human race!
It has been created by the slow and continual erosion of respect and tolerance of others.
And who is responsible for this? We are, so we really have no one else to blame but ourselves.
Who should be responsible for teaching our children respect for others and their property, self-discipline, manners, respect for the law etc? The child�s parents and family. But each generation in recent times has fallen down on this responsibility, and along with the �do-gooders� who, in many ways, have given more �rights� to the perpetrator of crime than the victim, I believe it will only get worse.
Undercovers - I agree there has been & never will be a 'perfect time'. But as justpassing says, discipline should begin at home & parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children - no one else. He is also right in saying that do gooders are making it far to easy for the criminal to get away with so much these days.
I also wholeheartedly agree with Smudge, in that most of society�s ills can be blamed on upbringing. Monkey see monkey do. The solution is that children need to be taught right from wrong at a very early age. If parents don�t do this or are morally corrupt themselves, what chance do we stand with their offspring? Yes I have broken the law on speeding, buying hookey DVD�s, etc, but I do not see these small �criminal� acts as contributions towards the decline of the nation. I will always show moral respect towards my fellow human beings, because of the way I was brought up.