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Wong | 12:48 Sun 11th Oct 2009 | Society & Culture
2 Answers
Is any painting that was painted in about 1820 worth any money. The painting in question is of a relative of an aunt of mine I beleive him to be one of her great grandfathers it shows him on his farm with what appears to be a lurcher I beleive the location to be somewhere in the Fareham area of Hamnpshire..


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Depends on the artist who painted it and then the scene and the sitter.
A well-painted picture of 1820 by a renowned artist could be worth a lot of money. A poorly-painted picture of 1820 by an artist no-one's ever heard of...well... the frame could possibly be worth a bob or two. On the other hand, I'd never overlook ''sentimental value''.

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