Is politics a passtime?
Religion is a way for many people congregate around a group of values they hold dear, politics is the same.
Similarly, people who espouse a belief in one form or the other aim to live by the rules that it and they impose upon themselves.
Should we disallow political expression in the statute?
The law states and compels all of us to do things we disagree with, for example TUPE 2006, some think it wrong that we eat meat and so on and so on but the law allows it, abortion, custody of children after divorce, the death penalty (which even if the people voted for it wouldn't get back) the list is endless.
We cannot devolve or reject these things.
Politics and religion are the ways that different people express themselves, you can't and shouldn't seek to ban something, seek to mute something just because you don't agree with it.
If thine eye offends thee...