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Are you proud to be British?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Fri 25th May 2007 | Society & Culture
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Are you proud to be British?

  • I am proud to be British but there are times in our past and some parts of today's society that I'm not proud of. - 536 votes
  • 31%
  • No. I would emigrate tomorrow if I could. This country is a complete mess and I'm ashamed to be British. - 524 votes
  • 30%
  • It's getting worse. Being British has too many negative ideas attached to it and society needs to improve, fast. - 419 votes
  • 24%
  • Yes, this is a great country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world. - 257 votes
  • 15%

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Are you proud to be British?

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