After reading several screens of of reactionary nonsense, I wonder maybe I'm wrong?
Maybe all these Muslims are sitting about quietly minding their own business just biding their time and waiting for the chance to pounce and create the Islamic superstate they crave?
Not a bit like the communists in the MaCarthy era, because that was just hysteria, so don't get confused cos this is real.
So are all Muslims the same, would given the choice, all the Muslims vote for an Islamic party in preference to say Labour or Conservative?
Muslims are not all the same, neither are Jews, Christians, atheists or any other large group of people.
A minority of Muslims are extremists, the majority are not. And there are many different branches of Islam, just as there is with Christianity.
Compare and contrast two Muslim countries - Turkey and Saudi.
As Keyplus tells us, Islam is a way of life so perhaps they would vote for them.
Christians probably would vote for the Christian. Few would gets far in politics in the US without Christian credentials, particlarly in the Bible Belt.
Well, they've been pretty quiet for a long while.Biding their time? What date shall we take? Being driven out of Spain perhaps ? Anyway, moslem hordes have been absent from this area (East Anglia) for as long as we can remember. Come on , there must have been some. No?.Now, the Mercians are another matter and as for the Scots, well they came close too, and as for those Danes!