i see it being a country over run by health and safety laws were everyone will travel in a giant bubble and be very over crowed by mums who are 13 years older than their children.
I reckon, but i don't know how long it will take, that almost al the population will have darker skin and that naturally blonde and ginger people will have died out.
With more and more mixed race relationships, it won't be long untill everyone have an ancestor from asia, africa or the mediterranean and their dominant dakr hair and skin genes will wipe out fairer haired and skinned people.
I'm not sure about fair skin, but blue eyes I believe are a recessive gene so they are likely to become less common (not necessarily in just 10 years though).
in 100 I think you'd start to notice genetic changes. In 1000, goodness knows, we may all be interbreeding with Martians. Well I won't, but by the time you are my age they will probably have discovered the secret of eternal life and you will be living happily with a green Martian hunk and having holidays on Pluto.
no genetic changes at all not enough time even in 1000 years.
in 10 years marraige wil be outlawed and homsexuaity will be compulsory. Elf and saftey will be such that you'll need space suit to go to work. Cars will be limited to a maximum of 10mph and be powered by organic lentils and have a sofa fitted to the front. Conkers will be equivalent to manslaighter. Alcohol will be illegal but oddly enough Cannibis will be compulsory.
In 100 years we'll be under sharia control. The US will have woken up and startted fighting back so they'll be pretty well occupied figthing the mullahs, Europe will be just going through the final stages of ethnic cleansing, conversion or death.
So you'll be 116 years old in burka, lovely!
1000 years?I don'treckon we'll get to 200 years before the whole world is toasted by a nuclear war, probably started by some islamic nutter bombing Israel.